Friday, June 26, 2009


We as christians are caught up on the "claiming the promise" philosophy. There has been a doctrine floating around for many years concerning the "name it and claim it " promise. Simply put, whether you are living holy in God's word or not, the promises of God still work for you. All you have to do is name it, say it out loud like some magical incantation, and then claim that promise will come to life for you.

Many use this for claiming financial prosperity, advancing up the corporate ladder and claiming all the goodies life has to offer. although I would really love to tear this false doctrine down, telling you if you are not living in faith, 100 percent, the book of James says " ..... let that man realize he shall recieve NOTHING from the Lord". I would tear this lie down by telling you living in faith means not only believing the promise to be true, but living Holy and blameless from sin before the Lord. I would love to get into this, maybe in another devotional, but I want to talk about one promise, like it or not, that will come true for you whether you live holy, walk blameless, name it and claim it or not. This promise is yours and you can bet your bottom dollar God will give it to you. Are you excited? Get ready!

This promise is given to young and old, to rich and poor, to the high class and to the peasant. This promise was pronounced by God himself, and he has been faithful to perform this promise since time began. Oddly enough some people have tried everything in the world to escape getting this promise from God! imagine that! Even the "name it and claim it" folks try to escape this promise, for some strange reason, they just don't seem to want this one promise from God! The funny thing about this particular promise is this; it seems to hunt you down, like a hunter does his prey. And this promise allows nothing for children, sick or well. Have you figured it out yet?
Okay, I won't keep you in suspense any longer. Here it is.....................


Oh, I know you want to talk about the nice promises. We don't want to talk about this depressing thing called death. But my friend, all the health insurance you have will not save you. All your money, all your friends, all your political power in government will not save you. You can travel to see the best doctors in the world, and a day will come when they will say, "I can't help you". You can travel to any place on earth, and this promise will hunt you down one day, and take you. TV and radio personalities joke and mock this thing called death. Big thinkers tell you death is no big deal, you will simply come back as someone else. Some people even believe their is nothing after the grave, you simply wink out of existence.

"Oh thou fool, God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap". We have been talking about the end times, and the coming persecution. But what if you never make it to this tribulation? What if, whether you believe in a god or not, death comes knocking at your door tonight? Are you really sure enough to gamble that there is no god? Are you willing to gamble that there is no judgement of Heaven and Hell? Christian, are you really prepared right now to meet your God, or are you gambling on a prayer you said when you were 9 years old?

Death is coming for all of us, there is no escape. We will stand one day and face the Reaper of our souls, how will it be for you? I ask you this; if there is no god and I am wrong, what have I got to lose? If there is a God, and I am right, you will lose your soul for eternity in Hell. Which one would you place your money on? Get ready, Jesus is coming, in the clouds or by way of death.
Will you be ready to meet him?

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