Friday, August 17, 2012


We read in the book of Acts, Chapter 19, about a very powerful story. It seems there were seven sons born to a man named Sceva. These sons had heard of the preaching of Paul the Apostle, and how there was a man called Jesus, in whose name, when called upon, could perform miracles. Sceva was a priest in the city they lived in, so these men were familiar with the God, and knew the stories of miracles that he performed.

When these men believed the story of Paul, that the Messiah had come, and it is Jesus, they decided to take it upon themselves to use that name. In short, they came upon a man in the town who was possessed with a powerful demon. And upon facing this man, decided to try their new found name of Jesus against this demon. This story takes a turn for the worse when the demon speaks back to the sons this powerful statement; " Jesus I know, and Paul I know, BUT WHO ARE YOU?". These men were sent home running with the clothes tore from there bodies and barely escaping with there lives as the demon attacked them.

What happened here? Why did this name of Jesus not work? Is there no power in this name? Did God seemingly fail? NO! a thousand times NO!

Beloved, God is and always will be more powerful than any demon from Hell. The name of Jesus will ALWAYS be above every name in the universe for salvation, healing, redemption, deliverance. The missing key here for the seven sons of Sceva is very simple. Look at what the demon said here. He says Jesus he knows and Paul he knows. That word "Know" means in essence:

  • To know one INTIMATELY, inside and out
  • To have a PERSONAL connection
This demon was saying, I know Paul. I know very well he has an intimate connection with God the father. I know Jesus, he is Lord and King, even over me, and I know he is connected with God the father. But I also know YOU (the sons of sceva) have no connection, no personal relationship, with Jesus and this name. Beloved, the demon knew that these sons only knew this name Jesus from hearing about him. when you read this story you will see these men never knew Jesus, never had a personal relationship with him. there was no personal connection with the Holy Ghost living inside them and birthing them into the family of God. What they were using this name for was no more than a magical spell. And friend, there is no power in a magical incantation, even when you bring the name of Jesus into it.

Authority ONLY comes from one place. Time spent in the presence of GOD! My friend, if you have a personal connection with Jesus, if you have been born of the HOLY GHOST, if you have been birthed into the family of God, and you spend time in that presence getting to know Jesus intimately, and He you, then you have power with God just like Jacob. He gives you authority (POWER) to rebuke demons off your family, friends, finances, Pastor, Church. He gives you power to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. He gives you power to intercede for lost and backslidden souls just like abraham. And most important, He gives you power to be a son of God, to live like Jesus did, produce the fruits meet to be a child. To love your enemies, pray for them that hate you, and have faith in God thru the storms of life.

Dear reader, the key here is building a connection, personal and intimate, thru the spirit, with the father in Jesus name. If you wonder why your prayers go unanswered, why it seems God is not in your life situations, why you never feel what they do at church when the tears begin to flow on others, this is your problem. Jesus these people know, but who are you?

I beg you today to find time to make Jesus personal. There is no power in just a name. You might as well call my name out against a devil, it is just the same. The power in Jesus name comes when you have spent time alone, and personal with God, built a relationship one on one with him thru the Holy Ghost. I beg you, there are things coming upon this world and in your life that will take this "intimate authority" to make it or you will find yourself tore apart like the sons of Sceva.

Get alone with Jesus, read his word and seek his face, one on one while you still can. Then you will have something behind that name of Jesus when you use it.....POWER!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I know that the above title causes one to feel offended. I can already here the statements of rebuke – “God hears all our cries” and “how dare you say God doesn’t hear me when I pray”. Beloved, I don’t refute that fact. God is omnipotent, omnipresent and is everywhere, in every place, all the time. He is right now beholding all the good, and all the bad, that you and I and all of humanity is doing right now. But, there is a difference between hearing and answering is there not? I could go to my earthly father when I was young, and ask him “could I have a brand new car?”. Oh yes, he could hear me, but to date I still haven’t got that new car.

Today, it is a fact that our churches suffer from “Lip worship”, “mouth praise” and “minimal effort” service to the living God. It is impossible these days to keep a congregation of believers interested past 3 songs in the praise and worship portion of the service. Past that and our backsides seem to grow magnets attracted to the back of the pew. It is impossible for our preachers to minister past the 12:00 o’clock mark, or our eyes begin to wander, and the king of our intestinal fortitude, (better known to the general public as our stomachs) begin to cry aloud at the sacrilege committed at hindering us getting to the nearest McDonalds on time.

Oh God, forgive us for losing the passion that was in Hannah, the mother of the prophet Samuel. Her cries to move God to open a dead womb went past lip praise and mouth worship. She pushed back the plate of food, cried tears till her tear ducts were dry, talked to God till no more words could be formed and only her mouth quivered under the power of a heart that was pouring out to God with everything it had in it.

Would to God we could regain the passion to call on him with everything we have in us. Just like the widow woman that lost all her money in her house. She swept and searched, cleaned and moved everything over and over and would not stop till she found it. With a burning fever of desire, she tore that house apart looking for those coins, until at last she found them.

It is a proven fact that we today have lost this cry, this burning desire that wakes God up and moves him to answer:

· Suicide rates are at an all time high in history
· The murder of babies in the name of abortion are at an all time high in history
· Hospitals are running out of space to house the sick, terminally ill, and drug or alcohol addicted souls

All while the “church” carries on with our powerless worship, skin deep spirituality and nonexistent presence in our services while proclaiming; “we are rich and increased with goods, we have need of nothing”. Beloved, I give you a word from the lord today; THUS SAITH THE LORD- I TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE MISERABLE, AND WRETCHED, AND POOR AND BLIND AND NAKED (Revelation 3:17).

It is not how many times you go to church, how many good things you do thru the week, or how long you have been saved that moves the heart of God to hear and answer your call. It is not how “squeaky clean” your track record is, and how good you have ran your “life race” that forces God to rush in and save the burning building that is your life. NO! I tell you a thousand times no! no matter what some preacher, or even your pastor, has told you.

It is a cry, that begins after all your strength , all your pretty and intelligent words are gone. After all the tears are shed, till no more can fall down your cheeks. It is a cry that causes food to no longer be a priority. It is a cry that transforms you! It turns you into a madman, a different person if you will.

This cry causes you to become so thirsty for God and his presence, you look like a wild deer running at top speed thru the woods looking for that stream of water you haven’t seen in days, knowing without it you will die. You turn into that woman mentioned in the Bible with the blood disease. No longer did she care how she looked in public or that she had to push thru the crowds on her hands and knees, just as long as she got to Jesus. This cry will turn you into that woman, because you will know in him, with one touch, will come life giving, sin forgiving, devil stomping, prayer answering, miracle working power. And let’s not forget the greatest benefit. With this cry comes Jesus, God in flesh, into your life! The very one who created the universe, framed the worlds, and made you, into your very life! The one who died for you. The one that says; “I love you, more than any mother, father, or spouse could ever love you”. Jesus! Glory to his wonderful name!

Dear saint, does this cry burn within you? Does it drive you to say, “I can’t live till I find him, I can’t breathe until I am once again in his arms!”. Is there a cry within you that causes everything, in the world, to lose its allure and charm. And the only thing that burns within you is a desire to have Jesus and be in his presence, because you know the only real peace and joy is there.

Child of God, we are near the end of all things. Satan is to be given freedom to ruin, persecute and destroy like never before. The antichrist is soon to take control of the earth. And the time of Jacob’s trouble (better known as the great tribulation) is just around the corner. And no matter what some big time preacher, Evangelist or Pastor has told you- YOU WILL BE HERE THRU PART OF THIS TRIBULATION. There is no such “early rapture” escape to get out early before it gets bad. You must be prepared.

And only those who are crying this heart cry- this “Hannah cry”- and possess this burning for Jesus- this “widow woman fever”, will have the strength to stand. Only those with this cry will have the ability to not be deceived by the Antichrist. They will have the power to resist his eternal damning mark, resist his temptations, and boldly proclaim; “I will not let go of the lover of my soul, I will not divorce my Jesus, only to follow you to eternal Hell to burn forever, I will love him till the end”.

Precious one reading this, there is still time:

1. The Door is still open to the throne of God thru Christ

2. There is still a chance to call on Jesus and have him hear and answer

3. There is still time to call on him while he is near, before the door is shut forever

Run to him now! Ask him to place this cry within you, now. Ask him to put this burning desire in you, now. You cannot generate this in your power and strength, but if you will call on Jesus, he will put this cry within you, this burning for him inside if you will just ask. Remember his promise to us; “Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for the SHALL be filled”. Get a hold of this cry, it will save your life, in the coming storm.