Thursday, October 29, 2009


And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven. (Luke 12:10)

I want to speak to you today about an attack on God that is so horrible, it is one that God says he will not forgive. And listen to me, if you are not forgiven of God, you will not spend eternity with God.

We have ministers, if you want to call them that, which is preaching a doctrine that says you cannot build a church on the book of Acts. They say that the church and the New Testament was in flux, in transition, from old to new, and flukeish, weird things happened then that are not meant to happen anymore. This is how they explain away certain things out of their life and church that are not there, because they take a high price of pure living and faith to receive, and they don’t want to do that price.

Can you imagine this? If parts of the Bible cannot be used for instruction, correction, and emulation in all areas of our life and church, then none of it is any good, because it is corrupted! But these teachers and preachers of powerless gospel tell this to congregations every morning. It is no wonder that miracles, healings, and powerful salvations have ceased in our church, we have allowed these liars to RAPE us of truth Jesus died to give.

What are these preachers saying that are not supposed to happen anymore?





Listen to me beloved, I am not preaching a denomination here, for I am not aligned to such manmade divisions. But you will find these lies preached in most major METHODIST, BAPTIST, SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST churches and all their different denominations. It has been Satan’s job to rob us of truth and power from God that we need to live Christian lives for him. And he has done his job in these manmade, poisonous denominations. Don’t misunderstand me, there are some good hearted people caught up in this mess, and I pray that these people are helped by God, but this is a LIE!


The baptism of the Holy Ghost, something separate from the salvation experience, is for you and you need it. The gifts of the spirit mentioned in Acts and in 1st Corinthians 12 are for you today, and you need it. I challenge any minister reading this out there to show me where it says plainly in the word these things were just for the apostles then! I challenge you reading this to find it! And when you don’t find such a word, because this is theology made up in the minds of powerless preachers to explain away the powerlessness in their ministry, what are you going to do about it?

The reason our churches are failing the call of God is because we no longer follow the example of the Book OF Acts. Jesus set up his church in the book of Acts, just the way he wanted it, and we were commanded to follow this example until he returned. How far we have fallen! Their was unity, love, financial security, and the real supernatural power of God their as they followed the example. And the Amen of God was their also as he added thousands of new converts to the church.

Don’t believe the lie of the denomination, the minister, the teacher that tells you the book of Acts and the power presentations in there are not for you today.




Be careful, Satan would love to get you to blaspheme the spirit of God, and speak against what I am telling you, for he knows it is the one thing God will not forgive (Matthew 12)

IS IT HAPPENING IN YOUR CHURCH PASTOR? Or are you actually preaching against the Holy Ghost?

IS THESE THINGS HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE BELIEVER? Or have you let pride and false teachers tell you it is not real?

I challenge you, all of you, put your preacher, your denomination, on the line and read the book of Acts for your self. You will find both do not line up together, you will have to choose, I hope you choose the right thing.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

God does not have a "Plan B" (Part One)

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." - Jeremiah 29:11

Most everyone can think of a time in his/her life when a choice was presented of which the outcome would vastly alter the course of his/her future. You may even be able to think of a time in your recent past when a choice you made had that very effect. Some people go through life with "regrets", wishing he/she had a certain choice to make all over again; and, if so, he/she would have chose an entirely different outcome.

The fact of the matter is we encounter situations on a daily basis where the choices we make change the course of the day. Some are so small we barely even notice them - the smile we pass along to a stranger - a random act of kindness to a fellow commuter on the way to work - stopping for coffee at McDonald's instead of Starbucks.

However, there are those opportunities - confrontations - temptations - trials - that present themselves to us and a "knee-jerk" reaction, a hasty decision, or even a long-contemplated choice so drastically changes the direction of our lives, one can only wonder "where would I be right now if I had chosen differently"?

"Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure..." - Isaiah 46:9&10

Beloved, although we may wonder how differently our lives would be had we made a different choice; maybe even stating "if I only knew then what I know now", God never has in the past, nor will He ever have to do so in the future. One of the distinct characteristics that make Him God is the fact He in omniscient - He knows everything - past, present and future. He created this universe knowing its end from the very beginning. He knows exactly where you are today, where you will be tomorrow, and where you will be at the end of days.

"According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love..." - Ephesians 1:4

There are countless souls that have fell by the wayside because of the lie from Satan declaring that they have went too far - that he/she has messed up too big or committed some sin so heinous that God has wrote him/her off and that there is no hope. Some have even been deceived into believing that God, in His infinite mercy, will still allow them into heaven; however, the original plan/calling He had for them has been "lost" or "changed" into a plan/calling of a smaller nature or lesser impact. Beloved, these are lies from the devil that have no truth in them whatsoever!

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified." - Romans 8:28-30.

By the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit, we will address the issue of "predestination". According to the scriptures stated above, predestination is a valid doctrine found in the Word of God. However, we must dispel the idea of predestination according to the old Puritan belief - one that dictates that everyone is born either going to heaven or going to hell and nothing that person can do will change that. A better word would be "predetermination". God has a predetermined plan for each believer's life that will ultimately end at the foot of His throne.

Imagine a person planning a trip from New York to Los Angeles. This person will have to make several choices regarding the trip. There are several routes that person could take - routes that would contain different sites, different locales in which to eat, spend the night, etc. Then, there is also the "unforeseen" obstacles and delays that person will encounter on the way to Los Angeles - road construction, flat tires, mechanical problems, etc. Then, throw into that equation an enemy that does not want to see this person reach the destination, placing along the route distractions, detours, and problems - hoping to make this person give up the trip due to frustration, long delays, costly problems. The person planning the trip from New York to Los Angeles will have to make several choices on how to react to the unforeseen delays, obstacles, changes in the route that is taken. This person could choose to turn back, determining the trip is "not worth it". "too hard", not what he/she "thought it would be like", etc. Or, if the person is determined to make it, despite the problems and delays, that person would eventually reach the destination if he/she chooses not to give up.

God has a "predetermined" plan for every believer that leads from the cross to the throne. Of course, there will been unforeseen delays, obstacles, and choices to make while on this journey. And Satan will do everything God will allow to upset the believer, hinder the believer, attempting to cause the believer to determine the journey is "not worth it", "too hard", not what we "thought it would be like". But if the believer is determined to make it to heaven, the grace of God will assure the believer gets home if he/she does not give up.

"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ..." - Philippians 1:6

Watch for Part Two tomorrow! - (You can read this message in its entirety at

Tuesday, October 27, 2009



We have learned from Isaiah 49 that the Lord knows your battle. He has fought it before you. And it is no sin to endure thoughts that your labor has been in vain, or to be cast down with a sense of failure over shattered expectations. Jesus himself experienced this and was without sin.

It is very dangerous, however, to allow these hellish lies to fester and enflame your soul. Jesus showed us the way out of such despondency with this statement: “I have labored in vain…yet surely my judgment is with the Lord, and my work with my God” (Isaiah 49:4, italics mine). The Hebrew word for judgment here is “verdict,” Christ is saying, in effect, “The final verdict is with my Father. He alone passes judgment on all that I’ve done and how effective I’ve been.”

God is urging us through this verse: “Stop passing a verdict over your work for me. You have no business judging how effective you’ve been. And you have no right to call yourself a failure. You don’t yet know what kind of influence you’ve had. You simply don’t have the vision to know the blessings that are coming to you.” Indeed, we won’t know many such things until we stand before him in eternity.

In Isaiah 49, Jesus heard the Father say in so many words: “So, Israel is not yet gathered. Yes, I called you to bring in the tribes, and that has not happened in the way you imagined it. But that calling was only a little thing compared to what is coming for you. It’s nothing in comparison to what I have in store. I’m going to make you now a light for the whole world. You’re going to bring salvation to the whole earth” (see Isaiah 49:5-6).

While the devil is lying to you, saying that all you’ve done is in vain, that you’ll never see your expectations fulfilled, God in his glory is preparing a greater blessing. He has better things in store, beyond anything you could think or ask.

We’re not to listen to the enemy’s lies any longer. Instead, we’re to rest in the Holy Spirit, believing him to fulfill the work of making us more like Christ. And we are to rise up from our despair and stand on this word: “Be ye stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58).

By David Wilkerson.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. (Luke 12:6-7)

I am amazed at these verses of scripture. At the extent of the care and love that God places on us is mindboggling. Another instance in scripture Jesus says that not even one of these birds falls to the ground without our heavenly father knowing it's demise, (Matthew 10:29). What kind of love the Father has for us, is beyond human understanding. If we really think on these verses, then we must understand that God knows what we are going thru, and he cares, and never again can we say, does God really know what I am going thru?

I want to show you something, maybe you've never thought of. Please don't missunderstand what I am about to say, I take nothing away from our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, with this statement. His love is amazing by itself, but think about this, it was the plan of the Father, to execute his son on a cross for us. It was the plan of the Father to set in motion all these things from the garden of Eden to redeem us from the curse of Hell, eternal seperation from his presence. It was the plan of the Father, to create a race (The Jews) for which our Lord would come thru. It was ultimately The Father, God, behind all this, to save us and help us.

One of the most powerful verses in the Bible centers on a conversation in the garden with a risen from the dead Jesus and Mary. Jesus gives the command to Mary to go tell the disciples this word; "Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God." (John 20:17). Think about this, for such a long time, God was seperated from us due to sin, no way to walk and talk with us like he did Adam in the garden. But thanks to Jesus fulfilling the plan of God, that was now restored. This is what he meant by that statement, now his father was ours, now his God was ours.

I ask you a question, did not Jesus say it was expedient that he go so the Holy Ghost could come down? (John 16:7) And does not the Bible teach us that God is a spirit? (John 4:24) Why do you think this trading places was so important? Not only was it meant to impower the believer with power from on high, to be witnesses and live holy lives, but also, so the Father could once again have this fellowship lost to him in the garden. It is the Father behind it all. What love he has for you and I!

Worship him today. Don't go into his presence today asking for things and telling him what you want to do, go into his presence just to love on him. Thank him for his marvellous plan in his son Jesus, to redeem us back into the family. We have such a wonderful Father in God, don't take him for granted today.