Friday, December 4, 2009


God has promised us, “In your time of trouble—when you face a persistent, ever-present evil—I will be your ever-present help” (see Psalm 46:1).

The phrase “ever present” means “always here, always available, with unlimited access.” In short, the abiding presence of the Lord is always in us. And if he’s ever present in us, then he wants continual conversation with us. He wants us to talk with him no matter where we are: on the job, with family, with friends, even with non-believers.

I refuse to accept the lie Satan has thrust upon so many of God’s people today: that the Lord has stopped speaking to his people. The enemy wants us to think God has allowed Satan to grow in power and influence, but that he hasn’t equipped his own people with greater authority. No, never! Scripture says, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19). It doesn’t matter what the devil brings against us. God’s power in his people will always be greater than Satan’s assaults.

This verse from Isaiah actually refers to the flag-bearer who rode ahead of Israel ’s army. The Lord always led his people into battle behind his own mighty standard. Likewise today, God has a glorious army of heavenly hosts who ride forth under his banner, ready to execute his battle plans on our behalf.

You may ask, “So how does God bring us help in our troubles?” His help comes in the gift of his Holy Spirit, who dwells in us and works the Father’s will in our lives. Paul tells us again and again that our body is the temple of the Holy Ghost. We are the Lord’s dwelling place on earth.

Of course, we repeat this truth often, in our worship and testimonies. Yet, many of us still don’t take it seriously. We simply don’t understand the power that resides in this truth. If we did grasp it and trust in it, we would never again be afraid or dismayed.

I certainly haven’t laid hold of this lesson fully. Even after all my years as a minister, I’m still tempted to think I have to work up some emotion in order to hear from God. No, the Lord is saying, “You don’t have to spend hours waiting for me. I abide in you. I am present for you, night and day.”

Listen to David’s testimony: “I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons. I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved” (Psalm 16:7-8). David is declaring, “God is always present before me. And I’m determined to keep him in my thoughts. He faithfully guides me day and night. I don’t ever have to be confused.”

By David Wilkerson

Thursday, December 3, 2009


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)

I want to focus on this verse today. I believe we as christians, and the world of organized church, has failed in preaching and teaching this to today's generation.

The Apostle Paul here begins to set up the principle that what we fight - is in the spiritual realm

Our weapons that we use to get victory and keep victory - is in the spiritual realm.

Government leaders, politicians, and world governments are being controlled by beings - in the spiritual realm.

And, if we study Paul's teachings in depth, we will find he is telling us the REAL REALITY is in this realm. What we see here on this earth is a mirage, an image that will fade away and has no eternal substance to it. There is coming a day, very soon, when the owner of this universe, GOD, will bring time and all this stuff we see and touch to an end. He will wipe it clean and create a new heaven and earth that will not pass away ---- "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea." ( Revelation 21:1)

Yet we live like this world will stand forever. We in the church get mad at our brothers and sisters without a cause, because they have "hurt" our feelings, and we make them our enemy when it is really Satan pulling the strings. Because we have a "curtain" over our eyes that we can't easily see the spiritual realm, we fall victim to being controlled by the beings that live there, namely demons and devils, like puppets and turn on our church family, church leaders, and even God while they stand back and laugh at our division in our church.

I pray today, as Elijah prayed for his servant, that your eyes will come open again. I pray that you will begin to see and feel this real world working all around you. I pray you begin to live and walk like one who is at war, because reader you are whether you want to be, or not. I pray you begin to get into God's word, pray, and fast to get into the protection of God for your life. This is a war to the death, spiritual and physical.

Satan plays for keeps. He will stop at nothing to destroy you. And one of his greatest weapons is IGNORANCE. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:" (Hosea 4:6) As long as you forget what I am telling you, or refuse to believe, he has his hooks on you, he controls you.

Make a choice today, to begin to pick up your weapons, to give God all in your life and ask him to take control of you 100 percent. We will explore further in part 3 our weapons and how we use them. But I beg you reader, make your choice now, time is running out.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Do you realize that there is another world around you?

Do you realize that this world, and everything you see in it, is not the real world. No, this world is what the Bible calls "Temporal" or temporary. This means that what we see and all the trinkets and treasures in it will pass away.

Their is coming a day when all the things we see and have will fade away. And that day will be when Jesus Christ comes again.

Yet we live like this world will stand forever. We hold on to, and fight to keep things, of this world like we will keep them for eternity.

Your 52" TV will pass away.
Your 401k will pass away.
Your bank account will pass away.
Your medicine will pass away.

Can you not see! their is another world, the one that will last, that is the real world. It is the realm that Angels live, that Demons dwell and that the Spirit of God is working in. I am talking about the "Spiritual Realm".

Our leaders in Government do not really rule us, it is those beings living in this realm that are pulling their strings. It is not your brother or sister that you fight against, it is the beings called demons that live in this realm that are your enemy. We must begin to understand in the church again that this realm does exist, and that our weapons to fight are their, in this realm.

listen to me, if any minister or pastor tells you that this realm does not exist, or he never preaches about this realm to instruct and inform you, that minister or pastor is a devil in christian clothes and will cause you to be decieved. Get away from this man and this church!

Listen to the words of the Bible:

While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18)

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)

When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick:
(Matthew 8:16)

And so many more in your Bible that shows us this world is the real world. It is where Demons and Devils pull the strings and influence world leaders and nations. It is where Angels guard for the children of God. It is where the Spirit of God is moving to help us and lead us Jesus, and make us more like him.

Wake up reader, you are being influenced as well. Your strings are being pulled like a puppet on his master's lap. Which one is pulling yours?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


God uses people to refresh other people. He so loves this kind of ministry that he moved the prophet Malachi to speak of it as a most-needed work in the last days. Malachi described how, in his day, God’s people built each other up through one-on-one edification: “They that feared the Lord spoke often one to another” (Malachi 3:16).

When did this happen, exactly? Malachi’s words came during a time of rampant ungodliness, when the “devourer” had destroyed much fruit in the land. God’s people had grown weary and started to doubt that walking with the Lord was worth it. They thought, “We’re told it pays to serve the Lord, obey his Word and carry his burdens. But as we look around at the proud and the compromisers, they’re the ones who seem happy. They’re pursuing prosperity, living carelessly, enjoying life to the fullest.”

The Holy Spirit began to move in Israel, and soon the fear of the Lord came upon a God-hungry people. Suddenly everyone in Israel, young and old, became one-on-one missionaries. By the Spirit’s prompting, people opened up to one another, edifying each other and building up and comforting those around them.

I’m convinced Malachi’s word about this ministry is a mirror image of the present day. He has given us a picture of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the last days, as God’s people stop gossiping and complaining and instead minister refreshing. It’s happening by phone, by letter, by e-mail, and face to face. And God is so pleased with this ministry, we’re told he writes everything down. Every kind word spoken, every call made, every letter written, every effort to comfort the downcast is recorded in a “book of remembrance.” And the Bible says each of us whose deeds are written down will be precious to him: “They shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels” (Malachi 3:17).

Be a Titus to someone who’s downcast in spirit. Pray to have the spirit of Onesiphorus, who sought out the hurting to bring them to healing. Think of it: You’ve been given all the power of heaven to refresh a hurting believer, someone who needs the consolation that God has given uniquely to you. Yes, there are people who need you and the Lord intends your past consolations to bring refreshing to them. Call that someone today and say, “Brother, sister, I want to pray for and encourage you. I’ve got a good word for you.”

By David Wilkerson

Monday, November 30, 2009


I sought the Lord in prayer and I asked him, “What is the most important aspect of your making us your temple?” Here’s what came to me: access with boldness and confidence.

Paul says of Christ, “In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him” (Ephesians 3:12).

In the Jewish temple, there was very little access to God. In fact, such access was available only to the high priest, and then only once a year. When the time came, the priest entered God’s presence in the temple with fear and trembling. He knew he could be struck down for approaching the mercy seat with unforgiven sin in his heart.

Today God has emerged from that small, restricted room. And he has come directly to us in all our disgrace and corruption. He tells us, “I’ve come to live in you. You don’t have to hide your filth and despair from me. I’ve chosen you because I want you and I’m about to turn your body into my home, my dwelling place, my residence.

“I’ll send my Holy Spirit, who will sanctify you. He’s going to clean and sweep out every room, to prepare your heart as my bride, but that’s not all. I’m going to seat you right next to me and I’ll urge you to come boldly to my throne, with confidence. You see, I want you to ask me for power, grace, strength, everything you need. I’ve brought heaven down into your souls, so you can have access to it all. You’re rich, yet you don’t even realize it. You’re an heir to all my glory.”

The sole reason your body is holy is because the Holy Ghost lives there. And it’s kept holy only by his continual presence and power. You can’t do it. You’d become a nervous wreck just trying to guard all the entrances. You’d get discouraged when you failed to keep out all the dust and filth that blows in. You’d get weary by running from room to room, sweeping and polishing, trying to make things look good.

Every Christian ought to rejoice in this fact: God is in you! And he is with you always, so who can be against you?

By David Wilkerson