Friday, October 2, 2009


"I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8)

Our Lord was expressing a question to his disciples, as he expounded a parable about men trusting in their own righteousness and abilities, and not in God. Jesus was trying to explain to the one’s listening that men always should pray and seek the face of God for all things, and how important your faith is to this equation.

Notice he goes into a story about a woman and an unjust judge. We all know this story, how she petitioned this judge to give her what she wanted, but many times the judge flat out told her no, final answer. The power of this story is her faith would not let her give up, it would not let her give in to defeat, or accept the answer given her. Her faith gave her the determination that there has got to be a way to change this outcome. Of course we know it did, in the end her continual coming to the judge, pleading and pestering and not giving up broke down the judge’s stone cold decision; “Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.” (Luke 18:5) What he was saying was, I had made up my mind, but she keeps coming, she won’t stop, I must give her what she wants or she will never leave me alone!

Then the Lord stops us cold in our tracks in this story. His next words are;” And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith” (Luke 18:6) This is Jesus’ way of saying, look, there is something I want you to understand here, this is the way I want you to become. Jesus wraps this story up with our text today, will he find this kind of faith when he returns? Beloved, he is asking this to us right now, not to the long dead disciples of that day. Jesus tried to warn us thousands of years ago, that we, the children of the end, would need this kind of faith to make it thru. The trials and tribulations that are to come very soon on this earth will require a faith that stands in front of the trial, the devil and all watching and says, though he slay me, yet shall I serve him! It confidently proclaims, though he is able to deliver us, even if he doesn’t, we are not going to bow!

Beloved, this faith is not a gift. It cannot be mustered up in our own will power. This faith is nothing more than another word for confidence bread thru intimacy. The Bible speaks in Daniel of those end time saints rising up and doing exploits, mighty works in the power of God because of one reason, they KNOW their God. That means they are not drawing on the strength of some preachers picture of God, not some book, or compact disc series, but they are drawing this confidence from time spent alone, shut in, wrestling like Jacob with the angel into the wee hours of the morning with God Almighty himself. They have become intimate friends, speaking to each other, getting to know each other on personal levels a marriage between husband and wife could only dream of. And it has caused them to have a level of confidence (Faith) that says I don’t care what the situation looks like, I don’t care what people are saying, I know my Jesus, and I believe he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him, against that day! Without this faith, how can we stand? Think about it, would Jesus ask this question, if it wasn’t very important we possess this in the last day? You can build this faith with God, but you must start now, while there is still time.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


(2 Thessalonians 2:3) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

I am concerned for the body of Christ today. I see a growing trend to worry and fret over
How things will play out in the end. We gravitate to preachers who seem to have the “outline” for the events of Revelation, and speak like they have everything figured out, even to the coming of Jesus.

We here at Watchmen ministries have only given you what the Holy Spirit has directed us to warn and say thru diligent prayer and studying of his word, we don’t claim to have all the prophecies down. But, to use an old proverb, the body of Christ is putting the “cart before the horse” on the issue I am about to address. Our scripture today is one talking about prophetic future events, and records 2 things that happen toward the end.

A “Falling Away” – this meaning from the faith and love for God
The “Son of Perdition” being revealed, the one we have tagged as the Anti-Christ.

The Bible also states before number 2 can happen, number 1 must happen first; “(2 Thessalonians 2:6) and now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time”. I feel we have become so concerned with being in “the know” on prophecy we are not concerned, nor looking out for, the real trap. Don’t worry about whether you can lay your finger on the Anti-Christ or not, how is your relationship with Jesus Christ right now, which is the real question. We are being warned here, that toward the end hearts once on fire will grow cold. Christians, who vowed with tears they would follow Jesus to the Cross, would turn their back on him in cursing shame. Ones who thought falling away would never happen to them, find themselves in a position where the mention of Jesus splitting the eastern sky makes them afraid, for they now are not ready.

Beloved, this should send a chill down your spine. This falling away will be supernatural, with traps and enticements that will snare all believers who are not watching in prayer and in his word. Don’t be deceived! How is your walk with God today? Has he spoken to you today? Does your heart burn with the fire of the Holy Spirit? You know where you stand, you can fool anybody on this planet but 2 people, you and God. The Bible teaches those in a lukewarm state or cold WILL succumb to this “falling away”. Please, while you still have time, check yourself, be ready, he is coming very soon!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I must interrupt the regularly scheduled devotional this morning to challenge you. If I may be so bold, as to say the Holy Spirit has been dealing with me, on this issue for the last couple of nights into the early hours of the night. And, it is something that is just as important as talking about sin, or Heaven.

Matthew 24 and verse 12 records these words;” And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” That word iniquity here means wickedness, evil or sin abounding, or, a better definition is increasing dramatically to where it is everywhere all around you, there is no place of refuge. Jesus was talking here in reference to future events. This is not the “ordinary” hatred and variance that has been between humanity since time began, but it is a “Satanic” evil push in the last days for everyone, and I mean everyone, to hate, bite, devour, kill and hurt each other. This will not only affect the unsaved and backslidden, for their anger and hatred will increase exponentially, but this will affect the sincere Christian, if possible.

Let me explain. The Bible declares;” Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). Our energy, our strength, in Christ doesn’t come from how many things we do in ministry or how many accomplishments we can boast of, it comes straight from Jesus. Without this joy, we begin to “sour” in our walk with God and in our everyday life. It takes the form feeling “out of joint” with life in general, depressed, angry, always dealing with temptations with no victory. This joy comes from being in the supernatural presence of our Lord in prayer, speaking to us personally, fellowshipping with him with intimacy like close friends, husband and wife, and this is only where this supernatural, lasting joy comes from.

It is this simple; a car cannot run without gas. A Christian cannot run without this joy in Jesus. Think back, do you remember how it felt the first few days when you asked Christ into your heart for the first time? The new feeling that everything was different, you felt different. Their was such inner peace and strength in you, and just the mere mention of his name brought tears of joy to your face. I want to make a statement: WE WERE NEVER MEANT TO LOSE THAT FEELING. I understand you grow and mature in knowledge, and you don’t base your faith on emotional whims, that has nothing to do with walking in the joy (strength) that comes with intimacy with Jesus. This word joy here also translates into our topic, love. Remember what 1 Corinthians 13 teaches us, this type of joy/love cannot fail, carries you thru any situation, loves others unconditionally, forgives any transgression, basically anyone walking in this love is UNSTOPPABLE!
No devil in Hell can come against you, and win.

If you see you are coming short of this, don’t feel down. We all have fallen in this trap. But hope is not lost, for you can renew this relationship again. Jesus is still in the renewing and healing business. Don’t let the love you had for Jesus and others not only wax cold, but die completely.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


last week, we shared a devotional with you entitled,"THE TRUTH ABOUT SIN". In this devotional, we tried to give you insight, in a small amount of space, about what exactly stops us from a Christ centered life, and all the benefits that it offers. There is no devil in Hell, or trial here on Earth, that can seperate us from God's love, only one thing can seperate us from the love and power of God, SIN. I want to revisit this devotional to clear up some of the misconceptions, and hopefully explain it in deeper detail. Our aim here is not to push a denomination, or doctrinal creed made by men, but to clearly present the truth of the Gospel to help you, the reader.

The Bible records this, "For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39). This passage is used by many religions as evidence that we can never really "Fall Away" from the grace of God. But notice, sin is not anywhere in this passage is it? One of the worst ways we, the church, have erred today is telling people that nothing, not even sin, can seperate you from God. If this scripture were implying such a poison, then the Apostle Paul would have said sin in this passage, but he didn't did he?

In fact, Sin is the only thing that seperates you, and it will. The Bible states:"Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" (Romans 5:12). This passage leads us to understand that this curse, sin, passed unto all of us at the beginning of Adam's transgression in the garden. Think about it, this sin transgression in Eden forever seperated us from walking with God, talking with God like Adam enjoyed in the garden, and was the reason Jesus had to die on a cross. This statement proves this in Romans, "Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation (Jesus) through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God" (Romans 3:25). He died because of the "sin nature" that was passed to all of us, and rose again from the dead to give us the power to break the curse of the "sin nature" in our lives.

Now, before I go further, lets explore the understanding of the "act of sin", and the "sin nature".
Sin can be defined as the act of disobeying what God has said not to do. To willfully make a decision to disobey God. Some would say can we know what God says is sin? Yes, we can, and I want to let you know that no sin is bigger than the other, or more important, to God everyone of them is just the same, and will destroy you just as much. The "little sin, big sin" doctrine rampant in churches today is a lie, ALL will destroy you. Here is a list of things God said to stay away from:

(Galatians 5:19,20,21 -

"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these;
  10. WRATH
  11. STRIFE
  15. MURDER

"and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.")

I challenge you to look each one of these up in a dictonary for their definition. You will see how serious commiting these "acts of sin" are, for the Bible declares those who do such things above, and will not repent or "turn away" from continuing to do them, will not inherit the Kingdom of God, and let me assure you, if you don't inherit this kingdom down here, you won't get into heaven up there. And, you will probably see it is not the "big ones" that often get us the most, it is the "Little foxes, that spoil the vines"(Song of Solomon 2:15), the small ones, little sins, are the ones preachers rarely warn about, and the ones we are guilty of commiting the most.

Now, let me explain something here. These things mentioned above must be commited (acted out in your life) for them to become sin. You must be doing them. Reading about sin, is not a sin. Being tempted to do these things, is not a sin. The temptation, from Satan or your own Flesh, to do these things doesn't mean you have sinned, only if you commit them, willfully. Think about this, do you believe Jesus Christ was sinless? Do you believe he gave a sinless sacrifice on the Cross? The Bible records that Jesus was in all means "tempted" to sin like we are! "For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin."(Hebrews 4:15). If you answered yes to the question, then you believe the "temptation" is not sin, or Jesus was so sinful his sacrifice was meaningless, and we are doomed to Hell. It is giving into, not resisting, the temptation that commits the "act of sin", and needs repentance from God, fast.

Further, if God has already forgiven "future sins" as implied by many preachers, that have yet to be commited, then why would this passage even be in the Bible?..."If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:19). Remember, this epistle was written to already converted christians in a already established church, not to unbelievers. And, this passage sets up the fact that without the "asking for forgiveness" part, you cannot be cleansed, or forgiven! Many preachers and denominations use that "future sin already forgiven" doctrine as a means to prove you can never "fall away" from the grace of God, or become in jeapardy of losing Heaven. But then, I shouldn't be finding this stuff in the Bible if that were true, would I?

I hope I have explained the "act of sin" part of this devotional. Tomorrow, I shall explain the "sin nature part. Please, whether you can guess what denomination I am or not, it doesn't matter. Whether you believe me or understand this fully or not, that is ok. Deal with the sin (disobedience) in your life. Talk to God, right now and he will forgive you and help you to overcome it. There is no preacher or church doctrine, or thing in this life that is worth missing Heaven for. You can KNOW you are cleansed and free and ready to meet Jesus. It is just a prayer away. -- ------NEXT DEVOTIONAL.. THE "SIN NATURE DILEMMA"...........