Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I must interrupt the regularly scheduled devotional this morning to challenge you. If I may be so bold, as to say the Holy Spirit has been dealing with me, on this issue for the last couple of nights into the early hours of the night. And, it is something that is just as important as talking about sin, or Heaven.

Matthew 24 and verse 12 records these words;” And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” That word iniquity here means wickedness, evil or sin abounding, or, a better definition is increasing dramatically to where it is everywhere all around you, there is no place of refuge. Jesus was talking here in reference to future events. This is not the “ordinary” hatred and variance that has been between humanity since time began, but it is a “Satanic” evil push in the last days for everyone, and I mean everyone, to hate, bite, devour, kill and hurt each other. This will not only affect the unsaved and backslidden, for their anger and hatred will increase exponentially, but this will affect the sincere Christian, if possible.

Let me explain. The Bible declares;” Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). Our energy, our strength, in Christ doesn’t come from how many things we do in ministry or how many accomplishments we can boast of, it comes straight from Jesus. Without this joy, we begin to “sour” in our walk with God and in our everyday life. It takes the form feeling “out of joint” with life in general, depressed, angry, always dealing with temptations with no victory. This joy comes from being in the supernatural presence of our Lord in prayer, speaking to us personally, fellowshipping with him with intimacy like close friends, husband and wife, and this is only where this supernatural, lasting joy comes from.

It is this simple; a car cannot run without gas. A Christian cannot run without this joy in Jesus. Think back, do you remember how it felt the first few days when you asked Christ into your heart for the first time? The new feeling that everything was different, you felt different. Their was such inner peace and strength in you, and just the mere mention of his name brought tears of joy to your face. I want to make a statement: WE WERE NEVER MEANT TO LOSE THAT FEELING. I understand you grow and mature in knowledge, and you don’t base your faith on emotional whims, that has nothing to do with walking in the joy (strength) that comes with intimacy with Jesus. This word joy here also translates into our topic, love. Remember what 1 Corinthians 13 teaches us, this type of joy/love cannot fail, carries you thru any situation, loves others unconditionally, forgives any transgression, basically anyone walking in this love is UNSTOPPABLE!
No devil in Hell can come against you, and win.

If you see you are coming short of this, don’t feel down. We all have fallen in this trap. But hope is not lost, for you can renew this relationship again. Jesus is still in the renewing and healing business. Don’t let the love you had for Jesus and others not only wax cold, but die completely.

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