Thursday, October 1, 2009


(2 Thessalonians 2:3) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

I am concerned for the body of Christ today. I see a growing trend to worry and fret over
How things will play out in the end. We gravitate to preachers who seem to have the “outline” for the events of Revelation, and speak like they have everything figured out, even to the coming of Jesus.

We here at Watchmen ministries have only given you what the Holy Spirit has directed us to warn and say thru diligent prayer and studying of his word, we don’t claim to have all the prophecies down. But, to use an old proverb, the body of Christ is putting the “cart before the horse” on the issue I am about to address. Our scripture today is one talking about prophetic future events, and records 2 things that happen toward the end.

A “Falling Away” – this meaning from the faith and love for God
The “Son of Perdition” being revealed, the one we have tagged as the Anti-Christ.

The Bible also states before number 2 can happen, number 1 must happen first; “(2 Thessalonians 2:6) and now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time”. I feel we have become so concerned with being in “the know” on prophecy we are not concerned, nor looking out for, the real trap. Don’t worry about whether you can lay your finger on the Anti-Christ or not, how is your relationship with Jesus Christ right now, which is the real question. We are being warned here, that toward the end hearts once on fire will grow cold. Christians, who vowed with tears they would follow Jesus to the Cross, would turn their back on him in cursing shame. Ones who thought falling away would never happen to them, find themselves in a position where the mention of Jesus splitting the eastern sky makes them afraid, for they now are not ready.

Beloved, this should send a chill down your spine. This falling away will be supernatural, with traps and enticements that will snare all believers who are not watching in prayer and in his word. Don’t be deceived! How is your walk with God today? Has he spoken to you today? Does your heart burn with the fire of the Holy Spirit? You know where you stand, you can fool anybody on this planet but 2 people, you and God. The Bible teaches those in a lukewarm state or cold WILL succumb to this “falling away”. Please, while you still have time, check yourself, be ready, he is coming very soon!

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