Friday, June 19, 2009


“When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, thy face, Lord, will I seek” (Psalm 27:8)

Today’s devotion comes from Psalm 27. This particular Psalm I believe holds a key for us today in the troublesome times we live in. And I believe it holds the answer to what we here at Watchmen of the Wall Ministries have been proclaiming to you.

David is speaking of the trouble that has befallen him rather suddenly. A mighty host (Army) of enemies has surrounded him on all sides. There seems to be no way of escape, and he is far outnumbered to gain victory in his on strength and might. His heart, and the heart of those with him, wishes to fear and be afraid because torture and death seem to be imminent. But once again David is delivered by the power of God, and he begins to praise and glorify the God of heaven.

It is what David says after the deliverance, in our scripture reference today, that I want to focus on. As he is praising God for the victory, David tells us exactly why he was able to obtain help from God. David is basically saying here, because I sought your face, when you told me too, because I built up an intimate relationship with you before the trouble began, you were there to hear me when I needed you most! David knew to answer the call of God; “Seek me in a time I can be found” (Psalm 32:6). He knew there would come a time when he would be in dire need, when the enemy would attack, and he would need God to help him, and he would be there.

You see, in seeking his face, you obtain favor and power with God! You build a relationship where the two of you become one, like a marriage; you love each other and protect each other. And whom God knows and loves, he protects and keeps from being destroyed by the enemy. But all too often, we don’t bother to call on God until we are surrounded by the enemy with troubles, and no way to get out.

God is saying call on him now, while you have the opportunity. Don’t wait until trouble strikes, and then all you have is “I hope he will help me”. Seek his face, get a one-on-one relationship with Jesus where you don’t “hope” he will, you KNOW he will because he speaks to you and walks with you! You can have this confidence in God against the enemy, but you must SEEK HIS FACE, now, while the door is open. Don’t wait until it is shut.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


"And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell." Matthew 5:30

Jesus did not say that everyone must cut off the right hand, but - If your right hand offends you in your walk with Me, cut it off. There are many things that are perfectly legitimate, but if you are going to concentrate on God you cannot do them. Your right hand is one of the best things you have, but, says Jesus, if it hinders you in following His precepts, cut it off. This line of discipline is the sternest one that ever struck mankind.

When God alters a man by regeneration, the characteristic of the life to begin with is that it is maimed. There are a hundred and one things you dare not do, things that to you and in the eyes of the world that knows you are as your right hand and your eye, and the unspiritual person says - Whatever is wrong in that? How absurd you are! There never has been a saint yet who did not have to live a maimed life to start with. But it is better to enter into life maimed and lovely in God's sight than to be lovely in man's sight and lame in God's. In the beginning Jesus Christ by His Spirit has to check you from doing a great many things that may be perfectly right for everyone else but not right for you. See that you do not use your limitations to criticize someone else.

It is a maimed life to begin with, but in v.48 Jesus gives the picture of a perfectly full-orbed life - "Ye shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

When waiting, why doubt?

“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart. Wait, I say, on the Lord.” (Psalms 27:14)

When the topic of this devotional came to mind I had to ask myself, what’s so wrong with waiting? What is the big deal with learning the art of patience? (It’s better than praying for patience, I’ll tell you that much) Why would I need to write a whole devotional about this subject? Then I took a look at my own surroundings and I figured it out. I’m not going to go into detail about what’s going on around me, to do so I would need to write a book. But I will say that “waiting on the Lord” is definitely where I am. Where I don't want to be is the place where things surrounding me start to cause doubt and unbelief. I've been there before, and it's a dreadful place to dwell. Not only for us, but for the Lord as well.

Did you ever wonder why Jesus was 4 days late to Lazarus’s tomb? I believe there are several reasons. We find reason number one from Jesus himself who said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby”. But I believe there was another reason. Jesus wept at the tomb when he arrived, but why? This was Christ. He knew death in and out, and knew that Lazarus could be raised from the dead in a moments notice. And even if he were not to be raised, he knew that Heaven was most definitely real, since he created it, and that He would see Lazarus there very soon. So why do you think Jesus wept? I believe it was because along with many there, Mary approached Jesus with sorrow, doubt, and unbelief in her heart. Jesus tarried for this very reason, to try the hearts and minds of those who professed to love and believe him.

Mary’s reaction to Jesus was not that of a person full of faith that the Lord could and would help her in this dreadful situation. Had she been full of faith, her words may have been something like……"There you are Lord, are you well, was your trip ok? The tomb is right over here, is there anything you would like me to do to help you or should I just stay out of your way?” She may have even leaned over to one of the by standers, nudged him a little with her elbow and whispered, “Hey, watch this, your going to love what’s about to happen!” But Mary’s actual reaction was that of a woman bewildered. She was full of sorrow and pain. In layman’s terms she said, “You’re late, and he’s dead, there’s nothing you can do now, he’s been in there so long he’s starting to stink. If you would have been here this wouldn’t have happened! You could have saved him had you been on time!”

Beloved, how many times have we made the Lord weep with our unbelief? How many times have we given in to our doubt and started worrying about things that we should just leave in his charge and walk away with peace? We need to not only give our situations to Him, but we need to rest our weary head in peace, knowing that the creator of the universe is taking care of things in a way that is far better than we could ever fathom.

We may not know his timing. We may not know the way he will work our situations. We may not even see anything around us at times but thick darkness. But the Lord is there. He is watching every step we take. He’s already been where we are now which is why he gave us so many promises to stand on. The promise that he would not see his seed begging for bread. The promise that he would never leave us nor forsake us. His word says ask anything in his name and it SHALL be given unto us. Not might, not maybe, not sometimes, no conditions, IT SHALL. We just have to believeand keep doubt as far away from our hearts and minds as possible. “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matthew 17:20)

Heavenly Father, forgive me my doubt and unbelief. Forgive me for every time I have doubted you. Help me to see the situations that I have not left in your care, and help me to leave them and walk away with your peace that surpasses all understanding. Oh love that will not let me go, Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for everything that you have provided for me and every need you have met. Thank you most of all for your Son Jesus who has provided my greatest need, freedom from sin and death. How I love you. In Jesus name

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". (Ephesians 6:12)

Have you been attacked lately? Has everything all of a sudden come crashing down in your life? Has old habits and sins you once professed mastery over, all of a sudden become a problem you can't seem to overcome?

I sincerely believe, by the Spirit of God, that he has revealed to me that the enemy is on the war path right now. But this is not an attack birthed by the enemy. Sorry, but Satan is not the author of this attack in your life right now. He is just a Tool being used.


Just as God led the children of Isreal to the waters, the Lord is trying us, allowing things and problems to come in our life. He tested the children of Isreal 10 times, and 10 times they failed. and their failure cost them the promised land. there were only 2 people who passed, not even Moses passed this test. Joshua and Caleb gained the promised land and did not die a horrid death in the desert because of one reason, " in all this, they did not sin with their mouth".

What is this sin you may ask? The sin of speaking unbelief, doubt, anger at God, stirring strife with their brothers and sisters in Christ. Their saving grace was simply this " Our God is able to destroy the enemy and give us the Land".

Beloved, you may be facing hard times. You may see no relief or help, you may feel this problem or sin is about to overtake you and put you right back where you were before you came to Christ, don't trust what you feel. Don't believe in what you see with your natural eyes, don't listen to the friends that say, you've sinned your help away this time. Don't listen to Satan telling you "I've got you surrounded, there is no escape", THE DEVIL IS NOT ONLY A LIAR, HE IS ALSO A TOOL!

And God is using this "tool" to make you into a stronger Christian, a better lover of Jesus. Keep your faith, believe with everything you have left, don't profess defeat, if you do, you will cut off the help that is planned to come your way at the right time. Tell Jesus today " though he slay me, yet will I serve him". Tell the Devil right now, " even if he doen't deliver me, I WILL NOT BOW TO YOU!.

I promise you, with this faith, nothing will stop you from making it to relief and victory!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Pray Without Ceasing

Scripture Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24

"Rejoice evermore; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Is the habit of praying continually something you can't imagine becoming a reality in your life? Don't freak out on me here. Once we grasp some of the meaning of the phrase, we'll see that the pursuit of it is not out of our reach. We've been so indoctrinated by certain definitions of prayer that all the words "praying unceasingly" mean to us is that the preacher lost his mind and called on Brother Hubert to give the benediction at the end of the service. Halfway through the endless droning, even God wanted to go to the cafeteria.

By "praying unceasingly" Paul really didn't have in mind our repetitive, wearying formulas. He was talking about a perpetual line of open communication with God throughout the entire day. We're not given to this kind of mentality naturally, so I'm convinced that we have to learn how to pray unceasingly. Mind you, this one will be an ongoing pursuit and one we aren't likely to master, but isn't prayer just that? A pursuit?

I have picked up on the terminology of Brother Lawrence, who called praying unceasingly practicing God's presence . In fact, practicing God's presence has been my number one goal for the last year. It simply means to develop a constant awareness of God's presence all the time. When we live with such awareness, we as naturally pick up a conversation with God at any given moment in a day as we would with someone sitting a few feet from us.

Maybe this example will help: a friend lost her husband of many years to death. She says she still catches herself talking to him. The difference is, when we talk to God He is always there. It's called omnipresence.

A pray-without-ceasing relationship means seeing everything against the backdrop of His presence. In other words, a rain shower reminds us of Him. A difficulty at work makes us turn our thoughts to Him. The first bite of pecan pie makes us thank the God who gave us the gift of taste. A near-empty gas tank keeps us hanging tight with God as we coast on fumes to the station. Everything and anything. Even listening to a powerful worship CD while you're putting dishes in the dishwasher is prayer without ceasing. Constant communication. Sometimes saying a lot, sometimes saying a little, but living every moment of life as if He is right there. After all, isn't He?

Lord, thank you for your presence in my life. Teach me to practice your presence. Reframe my mind to focus on you no matter what my day brings. You are worthy to be praised in every moment. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Adapted from When Godly People Do Ungodly Things, by Beth Moore