Tuesday, June 16, 2009


"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". (Ephesians 6:12)

Have you been attacked lately? Has everything all of a sudden come crashing down in your life? Has old habits and sins you once professed mastery over, all of a sudden become a problem you can't seem to overcome?

I sincerely believe, by the Spirit of God, that he has revealed to me that the enemy is on the war path right now. But this is not an attack birthed by the enemy. Sorry, but Satan is not the author of this attack in your life right now. He is just a Tool being used.


Just as God led the children of Isreal to the waters, the Lord is trying us, allowing things and problems to come in our life. He tested the children of Isreal 10 times, and 10 times they failed. and their failure cost them the promised land. there were only 2 people who passed, not even Moses passed this test. Joshua and Caleb gained the promised land and did not die a horrid death in the desert because of one reason, " in all this, they did not sin with their mouth".

What is this sin you may ask? The sin of speaking unbelief, doubt, anger at God, stirring strife with their brothers and sisters in Christ. Their saving grace was simply this " Our God is able to destroy the enemy and give us the Land".

Beloved, you may be facing hard times. You may see no relief or help, you may feel this problem or sin is about to overtake you and put you right back where you were before you came to Christ, don't trust what you feel. Don't believe in what you see with your natural eyes, don't listen to the friends that say, you've sinned your help away this time. Don't listen to Satan telling you "I've got you surrounded, there is no escape", THE DEVIL IS NOT ONLY A LIAR, HE IS ALSO A TOOL!

And God is using this "tool" to make you into a stronger Christian, a better lover of Jesus. Keep your faith, believe with everything you have left, don't profess defeat, if you do, you will cut off the help that is planned to come your way at the right time. Tell Jesus today " though he slay me, yet will I serve him". Tell the Devil right now, " even if he doen't deliver me, I WILL NOT BOW TO YOU!.

I promise you, with this faith, nothing will stop you from making it to relief and victory!

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