Wednesday, June 17, 2009

When waiting, why doubt?

“Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart. Wait, I say, on the Lord.” (Psalms 27:14)

When the topic of this devotional came to mind I had to ask myself, what’s so wrong with waiting? What is the big deal with learning the art of patience? (It’s better than praying for patience, I’ll tell you that much) Why would I need to write a whole devotional about this subject? Then I took a look at my own surroundings and I figured it out. I’m not going to go into detail about what’s going on around me, to do so I would need to write a book. But I will say that “waiting on the Lord” is definitely where I am. Where I don't want to be is the place where things surrounding me start to cause doubt and unbelief. I've been there before, and it's a dreadful place to dwell. Not only for us, but for the Lord as well.

Did you ever wonder why Jesus was 4 days late to Lazarus’s tomb? I believe there are several reasons. We find reason number one from Jesus himself who said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby”. But I believe there was another reason. Jesus wept at the tomb when he arrived, but why? This was Christ. He knew death in and out, and knew that Lazarus could be raised from the dead in a moments notice. And even if he were not to be raised, he knew that Heaven was most definitely real, since he created it, and that He would see Lazarus there very soon. So why do you think Jesus wept? I believe it was because along with many there, Mary approached Jesus with sorrow, doubt, and unbelief in her heart. Jesus tarried for this very reason, to try the hearts and minds of those who professed to love and believe him.

Mary’s reaction to Jesus was not that of a person full of faith that the Lord could and would help her in this dreadful situation. Had she been full of faith, her words may have been something like……"There you are Lord, are you well, was your trip ok? The tomb is right over here, is there anything you would like me to do to help you or should I just stay out of your way?” She may have even leaned over to one of the by standers, nudged him a little with her elbow and whispered, “Hey, watch this, your going to love what’s about to happen!” But Mary’s actual reaction was that of a woman bewildered. She was full of sorrow and pain. In layman’s terms she said, “You’re late, and he’s dead, there’s nothing you can do now, he’s been in there so long he’s starting to stink. If you would have been here this wouldn’t have happened! You could have saved him had you been on time!”

Beloved, how many times have we made the Lord weep with our unbelief? How many times have we given in to our doubt and started worrying about things that we should just leave in his charge and walk away with peace? We need to not only give our situations to Him, but we need to rest our weary head in peace, knowing that the creator of the universe is taking care of things in a way that is far better than we could ever fathom.

We may not know his timing. We may not know the way he will work our situations. We may not even see anything around us at times but thick darkness. But the Lord is there. He is watching every step we take. He’s already been where we are now which is why he gave us so many promises to stand on. The promise that he would not see his seed begging for bread. The promise that he would never leave us nor forsake us. His word says ask anything in his name and it SHALL be given unto us. Not might, not maybe, not sometimes, no conditions, IT SHALL. We just have to believeand keep doubt as far away from our hearts and minds as possible. “If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed nothing shall be impossible unto you” (Matthew 17:20)

Heavenly Father, forgive me my doubt and unbelief. Forgive me for every time I have doubted you. Help me to see the situations that I have not left in your care, and help me to leave them and walk away with your peace that surpasses all understanding. Oh love that will not let me go, Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for everything that you have provided for me and every need you have met. Thank you most of all for your Son Jesus who has provided my greatest need, freedom from sin and death. How I love you. In Jesus name

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