Friday, June 19, 2009


“When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, thy face, Lord, will I seek” (Psalm 27:8)

Today’s devotion comes from Psalm 27. This particular Psalm I believe holds a key for us today in the troublesome times we live in. And I believe it holds the answer to what we here at Watchmen of the Wall Ministries have been proclaiming to you.

David is speaking of the trouble that has befallen him rather suddenly. A mighty host (Army) of enemies has surrounded him on all sides. There seems to be no way of escape, and he is far outnumbered to gain victory in his on strength and might. His heart, and the heart of those with him, wishes to fear and be afraid because torture and death seem to be imminent. But once again David is delivered by the power of God, and he begins to praise and glorify the God of heaven.

It is what David says after the deliverance, in our scripture reference today, that I want to focus on. As he is praising God for the victory, David tells us exactly why he was able to obtain help from God. David is basically saying here, because I sought your face, when you told me too, because I built up an intimate relationship with you before the trouble began, you were there to hear me when I needed you most! David knew to answer the call of God; “Seek me in a time I can be found” (Psalm 32:6). He knew there would come a time when he would be in dire need, when the enemy would attack, and he would need God to help him, and he would be there.

You see, in seeking his face, you obtain favor and power with God! You build a relationship where the two of you become one, like a marriage; you love each other and protect each other. And whom God knows and loves, he protects and keeps from being destroyed by the enemy. But all too often, we don’t bother to call on God until we are surrounded by the enemy with troubles, and no way to get out.

God is saying call on him now, while you have the opportunity. Don’t wait until trouble strikes, and then all you have is “I hope he will help me”. Seek his face, get a one-on-one relationship with Jesus where you don’t “hope” he will, you KNOW he will because he speaks to you and walks with you! You can have this confidence in God against the enemy, but you must SEEK HIS FACE, now, while the door is open. Don’t wait until it is shut.

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