Saturday, March 28, 2009



Not knowing were you stand with God can be a string thing. It can leave you clueless, concerned, alone, etc. Not knowing is very stressful to most. Stress that you might not be were you need to be. Stress that you might lose touch with God. All these things come to mind when you do not know. You get scared that people might think different of you, or that they might judge you, or that they might not, since that you are not sure were you are.

Well there is good news. If you do not know were you are, you are not alone. There are many people who feel the same way you do. Many people are always filled with doubt, for the people who sit in the back rows of a church, to the preacher who is teaching the word of God. My friend there is a answer to your simple problem. Trust in God, he will show you the way. Ask for his help. Trust and believe in God and he will show you the way.

This is a cold hard world we live in today. It does get harder and harder to trust in anything at all. It gets harder to believe in anything anyone says. But there is one person who will not lead you astray. Who will not do you wrong. And that is God my friend. There is a battle that rages on right in front of us everyday, every night. The devil will try to lead you to believe that you do not know were you stand with the lord. He will try to manipulate you into doing things, and saying that doing these things are ok. But knowing that you do know were you stand, and that these things are not ok, is half the battle won.

That is not to say that you are never going to fail God. We fail him everyday. No matter whom you are or what you do, we all are only human. But learning from these mistakes and trying not to make the same mistake is the whole world of difference.

I am coming to you not as a perfect Christian nor am I coming to you as a saint. I am just like you, filled with doubt and concern about were I am with God. But I know if I believe in him he shall show me the way, just as he will show you the way, if you but will simply believe in him and trust that he will lead you in the right direction.

Friday, March 27, 2009


“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Luke 12:34)

Have you been feeling a little restless lately? Have you been finding it hard to concentrate at work? Does the things you once held in awe in this world seem to be losing its beauty? Good! You are the person I want to speak to in this devotional today.

I encourage you to read this entire chapter of Luke 12 in your reading time. It has many powerful truths and a very powerful warning to believers today. But time and space constrain me to speak on this verse of scripture right now. Jesus was speaking here on an all too common problem with saints today. He began to speak on worrying about will I have enough food? Will I be able to keep clothes on my family? These things are not sinful in and of themselves. But Jesus knew the spiritual principle that what you focus your heart on the most, that thing becomes the treasure you pursue with all your strength and might.

Today’s shaking economy can cause one, who doesn’t posses perfect peace in Jesus, to worry over bank accounts, bills, medical problems and jobs. And in your worry and fear you will begin to pursue the money and security you need to fix these things with all your heart. It will in turn cause these things to become the treasure of your heart, wanting and desiring these needs above all else, even to the point of neglecting the one who can supernaturally provide these things when you need them, Jesus. He is our Jehovah Jireh, translated “the Lord our provider”.

But I want to speak to the restless ones, the ones who are finding it hard to even go to work anymore. Maybe yours is a different situation. Your heart is not fixated on money, fine clothes, etc. Actually, you are finding it hard to find joy in anything anymore! You see the troubles going on in the world, and all you can think of is “Lord, please come back! I am so tired of dealing with life anymore”. You may think this is wrong, and feel bad about yourself, but be encouraged, for I feel this is not some spirit of depression, but the work of the Holy Spirit! You see, before Moses could deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt, God had to first get the love of being in Egypt out of their heart!

Think about it, how could Moses lead a group of people out of bondage, if they were happy and intent on staying there? God had to make there lives bitter, with hard bondage and suffering in slavery everyday to the point they began to cry, with their heart, “Lord, deliver us! Please get us out of this miserable existence!” Here is a profound statement if you will receive it; God has to send troubles and persecutions your way to purge you from loving this world to much to want to leave it! He has to get you to the place you are so sick of this world, not the people in it, but of the things of this world, so that you are not so rooted in it, you can’t be plucked up from it when harvest time comes!

John reached a place even after he saw the terrible events in the book of Revelation, that all he could still say was; “Even so, come Lord Jesus” (Revelation 22:20). We are to be in this world, but not of it. Keep that burden for the lost and backslidden, keep those prayers going to be a light in this dying world, but let the Spirit of God continue that work in you, in falling out of love for the world, and more in love with seeing Jesus face to face! May we all come to the place that we love seeing Jesus more than any enticement or toy the world has to offer. All these things will fade away in time, but if your heart’s treasure is seeing the one who gave his life for you, then you have your treasure in the right place beloved.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


“When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, thy face, Lord, will I seek” (Psalm 27:8)

Today’s devotion comes from Psalm 27. This particular Psalm I believe holds a key for us today in the troublesome times we live in. And I believe it holds the answer to what we here at Watchmen of the Wall Ministries have been proclaiming to you.

David is speaking of the trouble that has befallen him rather suddenly. A mighty host (Army) of enemies has surrounded him on all sides. There seems to be no way of escape, and he is far outnumbered to gain victory in his on strength and might. His heart, and the heart of those with him, wishes to fear and be afraid because torture and death seem to be imminent. But once again David is delivered by the power of God, and he begins to praise and glorify the God of heaven.

It is what David says after the deliverance, in our scripture reference today, that I want to focus on. As he is praising God for the victory, David tells us exactly why he was able to obtain help from God. David is basically saying here, because I sought your face, when you told me too, because I built up an intimate relationship with you before the trouble began, you were there to hear me when I needed you most!

David knew to answer the call of God; “Seek me in a time I can be found” (Psalm 32:6). He knew there would come a time when he would be in dire need, when the enemy would attack, and he would need God to help him, and he would be there. You see, in seeking his face, you obtain favor and power with God! You build a relationship where the two of you become one, like a marriage; you love each other and protect each other.
And whom God knows and loves, he protects and keeps from being destroyed by the enemy.

But all too often, we don’t bother to call on God until we are surrounded by the enemy with troubles, and no way to get out. God is saying call on him now, while you have the opportunity. Don’t wait until trouble strikes, and then all you have is “I hope he will help me”. Seek his face, get a one-on-one relationship with Jesus where you don’t “hope” he will, you KNOW he will because he speaks to you and walks with you! You can have this confidence in God against the enemy, but you must SEEK HIS FACE, now, while the door is open. Don’t wait until it is shut.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


“And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the Spirit of God is?” (Genesis 41:38)

Everyone knows the story of Joseph the dreamer. If you are not familiar with this story I am about to tell, I suggest you read the account in Genesis chapter 41. In short, Joseph was able to interpret the mysterious dream Pharaoh had about 7 skinny cows and 7 fat cows. God showed him there would be 7 years of plenty, where the land and weather would produce an abundance of food and water. Then there would come right after, 7 years of drought, where there would not be a single drop of rain and the land would be barren, producing no food.

Joseph’s warning of storing up enough food in the plenty years to last thru the drought saved the nation of Egypt. And he was promoted second in power only to Pharaoh in all the land, saving not only Egypt but the entire nation of Israel as well. Thanks be to the God of heaven, that there was a man full of the Spirit of God, able to discern the storm that was coming, and the wisdom to tell the people how to prepare to weather the storm!
But what if Pharaoh had not obeyed? What if he dismissed Joseph and his warnings as the ramblings of a crazy fanatic?

It is safe to say, Egypt had a window of opportunity that they could obey the warnings of God and prepare. But if they had missed this “window” to prepare, they would have starved to death in the coming drought.

I must warn you, God is longsuffering, but his patience does have an end. The sins that this nation and all the nations of the world are committing have built up in heaven, and God is coming to send judgment to a world that shakes its fist in God’s face, proclaiming it no longer needs or wants him. You who are reading this, and following Watchmen of the wall ministries know we have been proclaiming a coming storm. But I must tell you if you miss this window, right now, of preparing for the Lord’s return, it won’t matter afterwards how much you repent, or prepare. The time to get ready is now!

The bible states, “My spirit will not always strive with man” (Genesis 6:3). There is coming an end, to all we have known about this world. But God, in his mercy, has given us a window of opportunity thru Jesus Christ to prepare your heart to be ready to stand in this coming storm. If you do not prepare now, you will not stand in this evil day coming.
Reach out to Jesus right now; ask him to take away everything in your heart standing between you and fellowship with him. Ask him to fill you heart with the faith, and love, you will need, and then you will stand with victory, and not starve. Take this window now, before it is too late.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


(This article was originally published January, 2007. "The Lord Shuts the Door", Institute for Creation Research,

“And they that went in, went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: and the Lord shut him in" (Genesis 7:16).

The Scriptures show that when God appoints a time of great judgment He prepares a door of deliverance for the minority who repent and seek Him. In the days of Noah, there were only eight who had the faith to believe God's revelation of a coming catastrophe. No doubt the fateful day dawned as had many before it. But it was to be an historic day, for "the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark" (Genesis 7:1). Our text records how God Himself closed the door on an entire generation that had rejected Him.

Matthew 24 draws a parallel between the judgment of Noah's day and the impending Second Coming of Christ: "For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (vv.38-39). We live in a day when the door is still open. Revelation 3:8 records, "I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it." In John 10:7, "Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door. . . ." But the day will come when God Himself will divinely shut that door (Revelation 3:7).

Let us be ready and waiting lest today should be the eventful day. The Bible tells how some will, once again, be unprepared. "When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are" (Luke 13:25). DW"