Wednesday, March 25, 2009


“And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the Spirit of God is?” (Genesis 41:38)

Everyone knows the story of Joseph the dreamer. If you are not familiar with this story I am about to tell, I suggest you read the account in Genesis chapter 41. In short, Joseph was able to interpret the mysterious dream Pharaoh had about 7 skinny cows and 7 fat cows. God showed him there would be 7 years of plenty, where the land and weather would produce an abundance of food and water. Then there would come right after, 7 years of drought, where there would not be a single drop of rain and the land would be barren, producing no food.

Joseph’s warning of storing up enough food in the plenty years to last thru the drought saved the nation of Egypt. And he was promoted second in power only to Pharaoh in all the land, saving not only Egypt but the entire nation of Israel as well. Thanks be to the God of heaven, that there was a man full of the Spirit of God, able to discern the storm that was coming, and the wisdom to tell the people how to prepare to weather the storm!
But what if Pharaoh had not obeyed? What if he dismissed Joseph and his warnings as the ramblings of a crazy fanatic?

It is safe to say, Egypt had a window of opportunity that they could obey the warnings of God and prepare. But if they had missed this “window” to prepare, they would have starved to death in the coming drought.

I must warn you, God is longsuffering, but his patience does have an end. The sins that this nation and all the nations of the world are committing have built up in heaven, and God is coming to send judgment to a world that shakes its fist in God’s face, proclaiming it no longer needs or wants him. You who are reading this, and following Watchmen of the wall ministries know we have been proclaiming a coming storm. But I must tell you if you miss this window, right now, of preparing for the Lord’s return, it won’t matter afterwards how much you repent, or prepare. The time to get ready is now!

The bible states, “My spirit will not always strive with man” (Genesis 6:3). There is coming an end, to all we have known about this world. But God, in his mercy, has given us a window of opportunity thru Jesus Christ to prepare your heart to be ready to stand in this coming storm. If you do not prepare now, you will not stand in this evil day coming.
Reach out to Jesus right now; ask him to take away everything in your heart standing between you and fellowship with him. Ask him to fill you heart with the faith, and love, you will need, and then you will stand with victory, and not starve. Take this window now, before it is too late.

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