Thursday, December 31, 2009


“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” (Matthew 22:37)

I understand now, why we have so much trouble, even in the secular world, with this thing called A RELATIONSHIP. Making one work even in the secular world doesn’t work as evident by the high divorce rate in this country, it is estimated in one year alone 55 to 60 percent of all marriages (even in church) wind up in divorce. Yet, the missing ingredient, the key, is so simple that it is right before our eyes and we miss it.

Diagnosing the problem is very simple, to quote a phrase from author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; “It is elementary, my dear fellow”. Having friends costs you nothing. Think about it, one can have a loose association of people at various levels of intensity, and call them friends, yet you never have to give anything in return to keep that relationship going. A phone call here, an E-Mail or text message there, with out giving any of yourself to them can keep a chain of “friends” going for the rest of your life. The same goes for acquaintances, or even relatives, indeed, some of those cost even less of you. But a relationship, that is the highest of bonds God ever made for this people planet. And it is such because it requires, yea demands, that you give or “sacrifice” something dear, something deep, something intimate of you, reciprocated both ways, to work.

Having a relationship means sometimes saying your sorry, when you did nothing wrong. Having a relationship means I don’t do what I want to do, all the time. Having a relationship with someone else means I promise to no longer think of me first, put me first in my wants, think of me as “number one”, but I take a back seat to the needs of my wife, my husband, and yes you guessed it, my God whom I proclaim I serve. How can you say you love your wife, when you spend more quality time in front of that TV watching football? Wife, how can you say you love your husband, when you secretly do the things that hurt him, and make him feel bad because you think he just doesn’t love you, and all the while you never talk to him about it?

And yes, Christian, how can you stand in church on Sunday, proudly proclaiming you have a relationship with Jesus Christ, when you spend hardly any time in the closet of prayer, and your life thru the week would reflect more of Saul of Tarsus than Paul the Apostle? Look at our reference above, Jesus commanded us to love God with everything we have. It takes:


Simply put, the reason so many divorces happen in the church, in the world is the price of a relationship is not free, it costs us, and we in our selfish nature do not want to give up that kind of control in our lives. We are no different than the man who had his goods increased, and wanted to build more barns to hoard all the stuff he had to himself. God is tired of our half-hearted worship, our second rate giving, and our putrid sacrifices. And he is sending on this Earth persecution and tribulation, and you, dear reader will see more of it than what you have been told. But it is for a purpose, for God wants to see if you will chose him as a friend, or as a lover in a relationship to the death. Please reader, today, make the decision to have a relationship with Christ, keeping a list of do’s and don’ts wont save you, there are people in Hell who did it. Your denomination won’t qualify you for loving God, there will be people in Hell who thought joining one would save them. The reason you will leave here when Jesus comes again, the reason he will take you, is because he knew you, and that only come from a relationship.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


“Thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut the door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly” (Matthew 6:6).

In the past I’ve taught that because of the demands of making a living, we may have a “secret closet of prayer” anywhere: in the car, on the bus, during a break at work. In measure, this is true. But there is more to it. The Greek word for “closet” in this verse means “a private room, a secret place.” This was clear to Jesus’ listeners, because the homes in their culture had an inner room that served as a sort of storage closet. Jesus’ command was to go into that secret closet as an individual and shut the door behind you. There you will enter into the kind of prayer that cannot happen in church or with a prayer partner.

Jesus set the example for this, as he went to private places to pray. Over and over Scripture tell us that he “went aside” to spend time in prayer. No one had a busier life, as he was constantly pressed by the needs of those around him, with so little time to himself. Yet, we are told, “In the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed” (Mark 1:35). “When he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone” (Matthew 14:23).

We all have excuses for why we don’t pray in secret, in a special place alone. We say we have no such private place, or no time to do it. Thomas Manton, a godly Puritan writer, says this: “We say we have no time to pray secretly. We yet have time for all else: time to eat, to drink, for children, yet not time for what sustains all else. We say we have no private place, but Jesus found a mountain, Peter a rooftop, the prophets a wilderness. If you love someone, you will find a place to be alone.”

Do you see the importance of setting your heart to pray in a secret place? It is not about legalism or bondage, but about love. It is about God’s goodness toward us. He sees what’s ahead and knows we need tremendous resources, daily replenishing. All of that is found in the secret place with him.

By David Wilkerson

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


“For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.
And Noah did according unto all that the LORD commanded him.” (Genesis 7: 4-5)

Most of us have read the story of Noah and the Ark. As a child we are taught the story of how God had decided to destroy all living things on land with one huge worldwide flood. We are made to understand that man had reached a “fullness” level of sin and apathy toward God, even to the point of totally ignoring him in every thought and action in life. And how God looked all over the Earth and the level of sin and apathy made him sorry in his heart he had ever made man.

I can imagine, how in that moment, God began to raise his hand to strike the Earth once and for all, and, as he had his mighty hand in mid-air, his eyes came across a beautiful sight, Noah. It seems this one lone man was still thinking about God, still walking right and talking right, holy before the Lord. The Bible says this; “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.” (Genesis 6:8). Basically put here, Noah’s righteousness (obeying and living in the submission to God in his life) caused him to find grace (Favor) with God, sparing his life and the life of his family from destruction. Please focus on this, it was Noah, obeying the call of God, walking in fellowship with God, before God decided to stretch out his hand to destroy, that saved him, NOT the ark.

Let me say that again, it is most important you understand this. Noah, deciding to live for God and do the things that please him, long before the danger came, before God finally said “The end of all flesh is come before me”, that is what saved him and his family, not his obeying the call to build the ark. You see dear reader, had he not already been living for God, he would have never gotten the call. Why would God have saved him, had he been as sinful and rotten as everyone else? Look at our scripture reference today, because somewhere down the line, in Noah’s life, he made a decision to follow God wholeheartedly early on, he found grace with God, received the call to build the ark, and seven days early as well, went into the ark before the flood came and killed every living thing on land.

Dear reader, God’s timing is NOT our timing. And I proclaim to you now, the call to go into the “ark” of today (Christ’s rapture of the church) will come not only when you least expect it, but in a time and in such a way that only those who have prepared themselves NOW will time it just right to be ready to leave. Let’s be honest, God sees all, there is nothing hid from him. Ask yourself a question, if God looked down right now, would I find grace is his eyes? Would he tell me to build an ark because he saw me doing the things that are righteous, pleasing him with my life and heart? Or would I end up being one of the ones clawing and scratching at the ark door, while the rains came and I drowned with the rest of the crowd? You know where you stand with God; I pray if you are not ready, you make that decision now, before it is too late.

Monday, December 28, 2009


We hear many ministers talk about the end today. Even on this ministry you have seen us begin to warn you of the coming Judgment of God and how you MUST be prepared. Does it ever occur to you why we are saying such things? Does it make you wonder, why this time and age is different than the rest? And, what makes us closer to the end than any other time in history?

The Bible records these words: “Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh” (Matthew 24:32). Jesus, speaking here, begins to give a parable to his disciples after a long discourse of signs pointing to the end of the world and his 2nd coming. He then gives the parable of the fig tree. This tree, in winter time, looks no more special, or different, than any of the other trees in winter time, and, cannot be distinguished as a fig tree just by mere looks than the rest of the trees. But, as summer time approaches, and the buds on the limbs begin to show, we then, and only then, can discern two things:

1. That this is a fig tree, not just any other tree.
2. Summer time is soon approaching.

I proclaim to you, this morning that the FINAL summer time is soon upon you. Read your Bible today, and not let it continue to be a “prop” on your shelf, and open its pages to Matthew 24. There you will find startling evidence that the end is creeping up upon you like a thief in the night:

Jesus said these things WILL happen when his “summer time” (The second return of Christ) will be upon us:

1. Wars and rumors of wars
2. Famines (Severe lack of food for everyone)
3. Earthquakes
4. Pestilences (Weird and powerful diseases)
5. Men will begin to hate one another without a cause
6. Men and women will leave their natural affection for one another (Homosexuality)
7. This Gospel will be preached in all the nations.


Jesus told us in Matthew 24, and in many other passages, that these signs would be happening at the beginning of the down hill run to his return! Let me explain it this way, Jesus taught us the above signs would be present when the “past the point of no return” run would be happening, signaling he was on his way back to earth, and no amount of pleading or evil activity could stop it. Here is what separates us from other times in history, from other ministers in the past proclaiming the end is near, IT IS THE SIGNS PROCLAIMED BY OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST BEING FULLFILLED BEFORE YOUR EYES! Remember the fig tree; you know summer is approaching, are you ready?

I leave you with this passage: “Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not” (Luke 12:40). Jesus has given us signs that his coming is soon, and all those who have made their self ready from the world and sin will be going with him. All those left behind will suffer eternal damnation separated from God, in pain and torment. But these signs won’t give you “Insurance” when to get ready in the nick of time, on the contrary, even with these signs, Jesus’ return to earth will happen when people least expect it. Those banking on “living it up” till just the right time to get in WILL be caught un-ready. Are you ready for summer? Can you see today is different than times past. The signs are happening right before your eyes. I beg you today reader, check yourself, make sure everything is in order with you and Jesus. Don’t let summer catch you like a thief, you will not have a second chance.