Friday, October 16, 2009


Christ: The Only Basis for Boasting

Traditionally Christianity has been the religion of the common people. Whenever the upper classes have adopted it in numbers, it has died. Respectability has almost always proved fatal to it.

The reasons back of this are two, one human and the other divine.

The second reason Christianity tends to decline as its devotees move up the social scale is that God will not respect persons nor share His glory with another. Paul sets this forth plainly enough in his First Corinthians epistle:

For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.

Brothers, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him (1 Corinthians 1:25–29).
When God sent His Son to redeem mankind He sent Him to the home of a working man and He grew up to be what we now call a peasant. When He presented Himself to Israel and launched into His earthly ministry, He was rejected by the respectable religionists and had to look for followers almost exclusively from among the poor, plain people. When the Spirit came and the church was founded, its first members were the socially unacceptable. For generations the church drew her numbers from among the lower classes, individual exceptions occurring now and again, of which Saul of Tarsus was the most noteworthy.

By A.W. Tozer.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Self-dependency and God-dependency

Traditionally Christianity has been the religion of the common people. Whenever the upper classes have adopted it in numbers, it has died. Respectability has almost always proved fatal to it.

The reasons back of this are two, one human and the other divine.

Schleiermacher has pointed out that at the bottom of all religion there lies a feeling of dependence, a sense of creature helplessness. The simple man who lives close to the earth lives also close to death and knows that he must look for help beyond himself; he knows that there is but a step between him and catastrophe. As he rises in the social and economic scale, he surrounds himself with more and more protective devices and pushes danger (so he thinks) farther and farther from him. Self-confidence displaces the feeling of dependence he once knew and God becomes less necessary to him. Should he stop to think this through he would know better than to place his confidence in things and people; but so badly are we injured by our moral fall that we are capable of deceiving ourselves completely and, if conditions favor it, to keep up the deception for a lifetime.

Along with the feeling of security that wealth and position bring comes an arrogant pride that shuts tightly the door of the heart to the waiting Savior. Our Very Important Man may indeed honor a church by joining it, but there is no life in his act. His religion is external and his faith nominal. Conscious respectability has destroyed him.

By A.W. Tozer

Wednesday, October 14, 2009



The Privilege of Giving

The history of churches and denominations follows pretty closely a rather uniform pattern: It is to begin in poverty and power; get established to a degree that removes all hazard and gives financial security, become accepted by society, outgrow the need for divine intervention; keep Christ as a figurehead, ignore His Lordship and carry on after the traditions of the elders; offer the clergy a reward for staying in line in the form of an old age pension; put enough persons in places of power who profit financially by the prosperity of the group. After that it's requiescat in pace [a prayer for the peaceful repose of a dead person], and the tragic thing about it all is that no one knows he is dead.

No church or denomination need go that way if the members detect the trend before it is too late. But I wonder. So bound are we to the treasurer's report that we habitually forget who we are and what we are called to do. Anyone can do the possible; add a bit of courage and zeal and some may do the phenomenal; only Christians are obliged to do the impossible. If we could rise in faith like Samson and break the ropes that bind us we might see again that a church’s outgo can be greater than its income, as much greater as God is greater than circumstances. We might have demonstrated before our eyes how God works wonders when His people leave a margin for miracles.

By A.W. Tozer

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


“For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.” (Colossians 1:16-18)

What a powerful statement this is! Can you just think about the implications of these few passages of scripture for just a moment? The Apostle Paul was writing to the church in Colosse, a small town somewhere in the area that is now Turkey. This church was rooted in love to the brethren and faith in Jesus, something Paul was thanking God for, which they had. And in the midst of his discourse, he made this statement, which is our scripture reference today.

If you will grab hold of the power that is in these few verses today, you will feel the strength and hope and comfort you haven’t had in a long while. It means exactly just what it says; ALL things were created by him. Okay, let me break it down a little more, everything that you see and everything that you can’t see with the naked eye was created by him and for him. And, if he created all things, that also means he has control over all the things he created. Do you see it yet? Okay, maybe this will help; let’s define the word preeminence here. That word in Webster’s dictionary is defined as meaning “Superiority”, something or someone that has power and ability greater and far above anything else around him or it.

Jesus has all power and superiority over all things on this earth and all things in the supernatural realm as well. Do you see it yet? This means that Jesus has power over the devil. He has power over the wicked plans of our world leaders. He has power over all the troubles in our lives. He has power over all the unanswered questions, over the worries, over the doctor’s prognosis of “you’re going to die and not live”. The very reason the church today has no victory, no power and no biblical faith is because we do not believe in this statement. If it were true in our lives, we would not need "on -call" full time psychologists in our pulpits instead of pastors.

Find this rest in Jesus today. Realize all the plans of the enemy are under the final control of Jesus Christ. Understand if you are a born again child of God, your steps are ordered by him. In due time, he will come, and he will help. He has it all under his control

Monday, October 12, 2009


And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people. (Acts 6:8)

Do you ever stop to think much about Stephen? He is mentioned only one time in the Bible, and his one act of obedience cost him his life. If you are familiar with the story, you know he was a table waiter, that’s all. And his one chance to get to preach in the Holy Ghost caused him to be dragged to the end of town and be stoned to death. Stephen’s moment in time was very small and insignificant some would say. But if it had not been for Stephen, 2/3rds of the New Testament would not have been written!

You see, Stephen’s preaching and subsequent execution was witnessed by a certain man, who would hold the coats of the ones who would stone him to death, Saul of Tarsus. We know him better as the Apostle Paul! Watching Stephen’s stand for Jesus, Saul would go on to finally meet Jesus for himself on the Damascus road, but what if Stephen had not been there? What if he had never been there to be a witness in front of Paul? What shape would we be in today?

I pray you receive this in your spirit today. It is not the ones who have the big time ministry in front of the cameras, not the ones who preach to thousands or sing to millions on the radio that are the most important! These people are the final link in the chain of a plan that belongs to God. It is the ones, the unsung heroes, the ones like Stephen, that to me are the most people in God’s plan.
Without Stephen’s witness, we would not have a Paul, without Esther’s small act of obedience; the nation of Israel would not be here today! If it wasn’t for a suit tailor named J D Prevatt leading a young boy to Christ at the altar, we would not have had a preacher by the name of Billy Graham.

You think because you are not leading thousands, singing to millions, working in some big time ministry that you are not important, WRONG!

It is the Stephens, the J D Prevatts, the people that obey God’s call on their life, that we may never know down here, that produces the greatest warriors, the powerful ministries. And without these people, these ministries and these warriors for God would have never been born! No man or woman lives and dies unto their self; you effect a change in people all around you, even when you don’t know it. One of the greatest things I love about Jesus’ kingdom is this; one person CAN make a difference!

The reason you are fought by the enemy, the reason strange and hard trials happen to you, is because Satan knows you can make a difference in this world.
He knows if you get this in your heart, you would be a danger to the kingdom of Hell. I encourage you, lift up your head and raise your hands in worship to God! You, and what you can do for God, are important! Your obedience might be the reason the next Billy Graham or Apostle Paul rises up! It doesn’t matter that everybody doesn’t know your name, the God of heaven does. And he has trusted you with his greatest, most important work! Every time you witness, pray, fast and obey God YOU make a difference! Be encouraged child of God, he loves you, and you are important. You don’t even know how much you are!

Posted by Watchmen of the Wall Ministries