Saturday, May 9, 2009


He that loveth not knoweth not God: for God is love. (1 John 4:8)

We here, at Watchmen of the Wall Ministries, have given you many facets of the personality of God. We have explained his passion, his anger, and his judgment.
One side that I do want to cover, if not for just this devotional, is the love of God.

Truly, a Christian is not complete until he receives an understanding of the love of God. One can live in the judgment passages in scripture, and walk away with a sense of dread and trembling. And you should be aware of this side of God, for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but it is just that, the beginning, and not all. One can live in the passages that Jesus and the prophets expounded on about truth and doctrine, and you should also be aware of that. Without knowing the truth, you cannot be set free from false doctrine, and the lies of the Devil. But that is not all there is to God.

This is something that is not as exciting as the other facets of God, to many Christians. It does not contain the fireworks and entertainment value that fire and brimstone have. Looking in the Bible, and seeing the destruction of cities, the judgments against wicked nations, and the supernatural move of God is powerful, and I love those passages as well. But to be truly complete, to have true lasting peace, one must also receive this revelation of God as well, GOD IS LOVE!

The writer of our passage today, John the Apostle, was known for a long time as; “the disciple whom Jesus loved”. John would lay his head on Jesus’ chest as a child would his father. Think about it, while Peter was running around denying him, while Judas was betraying him, and the other disciples scattered, John was still following behind all the way to the cross, and was one of the first ones there at the Garden tomb, why? John feared the judgment of God, yes, but John was also infatuated with Jesus, in love to the depths of his soul with God. This love is a true staying power that will keep you from being a roller coaster Christian, in one day and out the next.

There is not enough room here for me to explain the love of God. But let’s end here with the greatest example, Jesus Christ. God loved us enough to give us his only begotten son, to be beaten and killed on a roman cross, so that we could have fellowship with him. He died and rose again, so that it could be proclaimed, “His father is now OUR father, and his God is now OUR God” (John 20:17). He withheld nothing from us, because of his great love, so that we didn’t have to burn in a devil’s Hell for eternity, away from him.

Do you walk and live in the love of God? If you do, do you show it to others? Do you have this peace that comes from the love of God, or do you walk in torment and fear, not understanding his nature? I pray you receive an understanding of this great love today.
God loves you, why don’t you take time to give it back to him today.

Friday, May 8, 2009


And the LORD said unto him, “Surely I will be with thee, and thou shalt smite the Midianites as one man”.
(Judges 6:16)

In our last devotional, I spoke about the desert of loneliness and silence. And I shared with you how empty and void it is of anything that helps you. The presence of God is lifted, and all your spiritual energy and hope are gone. To make matters worse, your flesh and the Devil flood in to try to convince you all hope is lost. They tell you, “you have sinned the presence of God away” and “you are going to die in this place”. I also shared that in this valley of empty, no friend or pastor, not even your spiritual heroes can give you the power to pull you out. You become all alone and all you have is your faith.

Let’s not forget what else I gave you; that you were here for a reason! God has allowed you to come to this desert, so you will lean on your faith, totally, because he has a plan. This desert whittles away all your tricks and devices, to escape hard times, for a purpose. Here is the reason; GOD IS INTERESTED IN NUMBERS!

I am not talking about the Da Vinci code. There are no secret set of numbers here. You can find many examples, in the Bible, to back up what I will say, but the one I love the most is found in our scripture today. Simply put, Gideon was a man fed up with the situation he was in. the Midianites had Israel in bondage. They had no way of defeating this great army by shear numbers alone. Military might was out of the question, for they were largely outnumbered. Gideon, frustrated that God was not moving, had an angel of the Lord visit him one day. And this angel’s message from God was simply “you ask me to move, then I will move thru you, and I will use you to destroy your enemies, just one man- you”.

Gideon was dumbfounded! How could one man deliver a people from so great an army? Understand, the Midianites numbered in the hundreds of thousands. But trust me dear saint, If God be for you, who can be against you? I want you to know, God took little Gideon and a small army of 300 men, and destroyed the whole Midian army! God is interested in numbers. He wants you to know, all he needs is you. He brings you to a place of silence and empty, takes away all your tricks, so you will learn, you and the LORD, just you two, are all you will ever need.

God doesn’t need a big army to accomplish the greatest task, he just needs one willing, dare to believe, child of God. And you, beloved, need to realize, you don’t need to have a televangelist on speed dial. Trust completely in the LORD Jesus Christ. He is all you will ever need to fight giants, walk thru deserts, and supply your every need. You need not trust in friends, family or any one else who can let you down. Trust Jesus, he is with you. He sent you in this desert, to learn this truth, it just takes two. And really, it is all Jesus, doing it thru you; all your part requires is obedience to him, in faith. Remember, you can do all things thru Christ, which strengthens you, GLORY TO HIS NAME!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


“Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not SILENT to me: lest, if thou be SILENT to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.”
(PSALM 28:1)

I have found that the hardest of trials is not when all the demons of Hell are coming against you, and persecutions are on every side. But when all is silent and void! When you pray, you don’t get a yes or no, or even some piece of scripture. On the contrary, in these times you would welcome a rebuke from God, but all is silent.

I am speaking to many Christians on this topic. Whether you are going thru this period right now or not, one thing is certain; you WILL face it. This desert of silence can be worse than the hottest trial imaginable. You feel nothing. The Holy Ghost “goose bumps” we feel, as the spirit of God moves, are gone. The nearness or connection we feel with heaven and Jesus is gone. This desert is just what the word means, void and empty of any movement, feeling, or hope about anything. And in the middle of this desert, you feel God has forsaken you, and you are about to die.

David, king of Israel, faced this same desert. In our scripture today, we see the once mighty, giant slaying king walking with such despair and emptiness with God that he began to plead; “I cry to you God! Hear me please. You have stopped talking and fellowshipping with me! Please come to me again, or I will be as dead as those put in the ground”. Did you hear that? David had reached a place where he felt inside like a “walking dead man”. We all love it when God pours out his spirit and we feel his presence till we feel we will explode. We can easily love and trust him then. I wonder how many will love and trust him, when He gives no reason too?

In this desert of emptiness, even a good spanking from God would feel good, at least you would be assured he is still with you! But this is peace of the horrid kind. Prayers are empty; you really do feel like David, a “walking dead man” inside. BE ENCOURAGED! One thing I have also found, you are not in this desert by accident. We have a Lord and Savior who watches everything, even when the smallest of birds fall from the sky. He knows where you are, what you are feeling, and he is ready at the right time to bring you out! Stay in faith toward God.


Whether this desert came upon you suddenly, for know reason, or because of some unrepentant sin, you were brought to this place to learn a valuable lesson. This is the lesson of faith toward God. Have faith (TRUST) in God that he will forgive your sin. Have faith (TRUST) that he will bring you thru this desert. And when the time is right, you will come out stronger in God, loving him and his word much more deeply and passionately. Then you too can proclaim like David in verse 6; “blessed be the LORD, because he hath heard the voice of my supplications”.

Trust him dear saint, you will be saying this on the other side of your “dead man” desert, if you stay faithful.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Am I Carnally Minded?
By Oswald Chambers

Whereas there is among you jealousy and strife, are ye not carnal? (1 Corinthians 3:3 KJV)

No natural man knows anything about carnality. The flesh lusting against the Spirit that came in at regeneration, and the Spirit lusting against the flesh, produces carnality. "Walk in the Spirit," says Paul, "and ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh"; and carnality will disappear.

Are you contentious, easily troubled about trifles? "Oh, but no one who is a Christian ever is!" Paul says they are, he connects these things with carnality. Is there a truth in the Bible that instantly awakens petulance in you? That is a proof that you are yet carnal. If sanctification is being worked out, there is no trace of that spirit left.

If the Spirit of God detects anything in you that is wrong, He does not ask you to put it right; He asks you to accept the light, and He will put it right. A child of the light confesses instantly and stands bared before God; a child of the darkness says - "Oh, I can explain that away." When once the light breaks and the conviction of wrong comes, be a child of the light, and confess, and God will deal with what is wrong; if you vindicate yourself, you prove yourself to be a child of the darkness.

What is the proof that carnality has gone? Never deceive yourself; when carnality is gone it is the most real thing imaginable. God will see that you have any number of opportunities to prove to yourself the marvel of His grace. The practical test is the only proof. "Why," you say, "if this had happened before, there would have been the spirit of resentment!" You will never cease to be the most amazed person on earth at what God has done for you on the inside.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Pastor D. E. Hamel

The newspaper carred the painful story of Judy. She was not a prostitue, she never used drugs, she had never been to jail, nor was she a social outcast. Judy was respectable. She jogged everyday, wore designer clothes, had an apartment which over looked the Bay. Here struggles were not unusual. She worried about growing old, getting married, putting on weight and just getting by. However Judy felt so very alone. She recorded in her diary:

"I see people together and I want to cry WHAT ABOUT ME? What about me?" Her diary concludes, "Who's going to love Judy? I feel so alone... unloved... unwanted... used! I want to cry and sleep forever...I'm so all alone!"

Judy died at age 28, suicide #106.

Our communities are full of people just like Judy. For them loneliness is a way of life. The sleepless nights, the unending hurts, the empty homes, mailboxes, the long days and longer nights. It's a forgotten birthday, a silent phone, no one calls, no one writes. Does anyone care for them?

Does this describe you? If it does, when did your loneliness begin? Was it in your childhood? Your teenage years? Or was it at the time of your divorce, your retirement, at the death of a loved one, or when the children left home? When did it begin?

Maybe you have everyone fooled as to your true feelings. Your smile is quick. Maybe you have a secure job and your appearance is sharp. However, when you look in the mirror you realize that you aren't fooling yourself. You feel alone, forgotten and forsaken.

There was once a King who felt just has you do. David, one time King of Israel. He cried out "My refuge has failed! No one cares for my soul!" David's cause for loneliness was his broken relationship with God. He allowed his focus to shift from God to the circumstances and situations in his life and this dragged him down. David had much to concern himself with. His family life was terrible, his son tried to steal his throne, he had much to bring him down. However when He looked beyond his life and directed his attention toward God, he was greatly encouraged and concluded. "In the time of trouble He (God) will protect me, for He restores my soul." In Psalm 62:5-8 David says, "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rocka nd my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. God Most High is my salvation and my honor; He is my might rock, my refuge. Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him for God is our refuge."

Maybe you need to do this right now. Cry out to God, pour out your heart before Him. He will be your refuge. Psalm 51:17 declares "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." God hears the cry of the broken hearted. In Isaiah 42:3 we are told that "a bruised reed He will not break." If you are broken and bruised, reach out to God. Jesus calls to us "Come to me all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Will you pray with me now?

Father God in Heaven, hear my cry. I feel alone and deserted. The worries of life have me weighed down and I am desperate. Help me as you have promised you would. Come near to me and surround me with your presence and your love. Forgive my sin and bring healing to my life. Restore to me joy, happiness and peace. Be my Lord and be my Savior. I surrender my all to you, my hurts, my worries and my life. Take it and work a miracle. These things I pray in the Name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.