Saturday, May 9, 2009


He that loveth not knoweth not God: for God is love. (1 John 4:8)

We here, at Watchmen of the Wall Ministries, have given you many facets of the personality of God. We have explained his passion, his anger, and his judgment.
One side that I do want to cover, if not for just this devotional, is the love of God.

Truly, a Christian is not complete until he receives an understanding of the love of God. One can live in the judgment passages in scripture, and walk away with a sense of dread and trembling. And you should be aware of this side of God, for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but it is just that, the beginning, and not all. One can live in the passages that Jesus and the prophets expounded on about truth and doctrine, and you should also be aware of that. Without knowing the truth, you cannot be set free from false doctrine, and the lies of the Devil. But that is not all there is to God.

This is something that is not as exciting as the other facets of God, to many Christians. It does not contain the fireworks and entertainment value that fire and brimstone have. Looking in the Bible, and seeing the destruction of cities, the judgments against wicked nations, and the supernatural move of God is powerful, and I love those passages as well. But to be truly complete, to have true lasting peace, one must also receive this revelation of God as well, GOD IS LOVE!

The writer of our passage today, John the Apostle, was known for a long time as; “the disciple whom Jesus loved”. John would lay his head on Jesus’ chest as a child would his father. Think about it, while Peter was running around denying him, while Judas was betraying him, and the other disciples scattered, John was still following behind all the way to the cross, and was one of the first ones there at the Garden tomb, why? John feared the judgment of God, yes, but John was also infatuated with Jesus, in love to the depths of his soul with God. This love is a true staying power that will keep you from being a roller coaster Christian, in one day and out the next.

There is not enough room here for me to explain the love of God. But let’s end here with the greatest example, Jesus Christ. God loved us enough to give us his only begotten son, to be beaten and killed on a roman cross, so that we could have fellowship with him. He died and rose again, so that it could be proclaimed, “His father is now OUR father, and his God is now OUR God” (John 20:17). He withheld nothing from us, because of his great love, so that we didn’t have to burn in a devil’s Hell for eternity, away from him.

Do you walk and live in the love of God? If you do, do you show it to others? Do you have this peace that comes from the love of God, or do you walk in torment and fear, not understanding his nature? I pray you receive an understanding of this great love today.
God loves you, why don’t you take time to give it back to him today.

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