Friday, May 8, 2009


And the LORD said unto him, “Surely I will be with thee, and thou shalt smite the Midianites as one man”.
(Judges 6:16)

In our last devotional, I spoke about the desert of loneliness and silence. And I shared with you how empty and void it is of anything that helps you. The presence of God is lifted, and all your spiritual energy and hope are gone. To make matters worse, your flesh and the Devil flood in to try to convince you all hope is lost. They tell you, “you have sinned the presence of God away” and “you are going to die in this place”. I also shared that in this valley of empty, no friend or pastor, not even your spiritual heroes can give you the power to pull you out. You become all alone and all you have is your faith.

Let’s not forget what else I gave you; that you were here for a reason! God has allowed you to come to this desert, so you will lean on your faith, totally, because he has a plan. This desert whittles away all your tricks and devices, to escape hard times, for a purpose. Here is the reason; GOD IS INTERESTED IN NUMBERS!

I am not talking about the Da Vinci code. There are no secret set of numbers here. You can find many examples, in the Bible, to back up what I will say, but the one I love the most is found in our scripture today. Simply put, Gideon was a man fed up with the situation he was in. the Midianites had Israel in bondage. They had no way of defeating this great army by shear numbers alone. Military might was out of the question, for they were largely outnumbered. Gideon, frustrated that God was not moving, had an angel of the Lord visit him one day. And this angel’s message from God was simply “you ask me to move, then I will move thru you, and I will use you to destroy your enemies, just one man- you”.

Gideon was dumbfounded! How could one man deliver a people from so great an army? Understand, the Midianites numbered in the hundreds of thousands. But trust me dear saint, If God be for you, who can be against you? I want you to know, God took little Gideon and a small army of 300 men, and destroyed the whole Midian army! God is interested in numbers. He wants you to know, all he needs is you. He brings you to a place of silence and empty, takes away all your tricks, so you will learn, you and the LORD, just you two, are all you will ever need.

God doesn’t need a big army to accomplish the greatest task, he just needs one willing, dare to believe, child of God. And you, beloved, need to realize, you don’t need to have a televangelist on speed dial. Trust completely in the LORD Jesus Christ. He is all you will ever need to fight giants, walk thru deserts, and supply your every need. You need not trust in friends, family or any one else who can let you down. Trust Jesus, he is with you. He sent you in this desert, to learn this truth, it just takes two. And really, it is all Jesus, doing it thru you; all your part requires is obedience to him, in faith. Remember, you can do all things thru Christ, which strengthens you, GLORY TO HIS NAME!

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