Monday, May 4, 2009


Pastor D. E. Hamel

The newspaper carred the painful story of Judy. She was not a prostitue, she never used drugs, she had never been to jail, nor was she a social outcast. Judy was respectable. She jogged everyday, wore designer clothes, had an apartment which over looked the Bay. Here struggles were not unusual. She worried about growing old, getting married, putting on weight and just getting by. However Judy felt so very alone. She recorded in her diary:

"I see people together and I want to cry WHAT ABOUT ME? What about me?" Her diary concludes, "Who's going to love Judy? I feel so alone... unloved... unwanted... used! I want to cry and sleep forever...I'm so all alone!"

Judy died at age 28, suicide #106.

Our communities are full of people just like Judy. For them loneliness is a way of life. The sleepless nights, the unending hurts, the empty homes, mailboxes, the long days and longer nights. It's a forgotten birthday, a silent phone, no one calls, no one writes. Does anyone care for them?

Does this describe you? If it does, when did your loneliness begin? Was it in your childhood? Your teenage years? Or was it at the time of your divorce, your retirement, at the death of a loved one, or when the children left home? When did it begin?

Maybe you have everyone fooled as to your true feelings. Your smile is quick. Maybe you have a secure job and your appearance is sharp. However, when you look in the mirror you realize that you aren't fooling yourself. You feel alone, forgotten and forsaken.

There was once a King who felt just has you do. David, one time King of Israel. He cried out "My refuge has failed! No one cares for my soul!" David's cause for loneliness was his broken relationship with God. He allowed his focus to shift from God to the circumstances and situations in his life and this dragged him down. David had much to concern himself with. His family life was terrible, his son tried to steal his throne, he had much to bring him down. However when He looked beyond his life and directed his attention toward God, he was greatly encouraged and concluded. "In the time of trouble He (God) will protect me, for He restores my soul." In Psalm 62:5-8 David says, "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rocka nd my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. God Most High is my salvation and my honor; He is my might rock, my refuge. Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him for God is our refuge."

Maybe you need to do this right now. Cry out to God, pour out your heart before Him. He will be your refuge. Psalm 51:17 declares "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." God hears the cry of the broken hearted. In Isaiah 42:3 we are told that "a bruised reed He will not break." If you are broken and bruised, reach out to God. Jesus calls to us "Come to me all you who are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Will you pray with me now?

Father God in Heaven, hear my cry. I feel alone and deserted. The worries of life have me weighed down and I am desperate. Help me as you have promised you would. Come near to me and surround me with your presence and your love. Forgive my sin and bring healing to my life. Restore to me joy, happiness and peace. Be my Lord and be my Savior. I surrender my all to you, my hurts, my worries and my life. Take it and work a miracle. These things I pray in the Name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.

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