Thursday, May 7, 2009


“Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not SILENT to me: lest, if thou be SILENT to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.”
(PSALM 28:1)

I have found that the hardest of trials is not when all the demons of Hell are coming against you, and persecutions are on every side. But when all is silent and void! When you pray, you don’t get a yes or no, or even some piece of scripture. On the contrary, in these times you would welcome a rebuke from God, but all is silent.

I am speaking to many Christians on this topic. Whether you are going thru this period right now or not, one thing is certain; you WILL face it. This desert of silence can be worse than the hottest trial imaginable. You feel nothing. The Holy Ghost “goose bumps” we feel, as the spirit of God moves, are gone. The nearness or connection we feel with heaven and Jesus is gone. This desert is just what the word means, void and empty of any movement, feeling, or hope about anything. And in the middle of this desert, you feel God has forsaken you, and you are about to die.

David, king of Israel, faced this same desert. In our scripture today, we see the once mighty, giant slaying king walking with such despair and emptiness with God that he began to plead; “I cry to you God! Hear me please. You have stopped talking and fellowshipping with me! Please come to me again, or I will be as dead as those put in the ground”. Did you hear that? David had reached a place where he felt inside like a “walking dead man”. We all love it when God pours out his spirit and we feel his presence till we feel we will explode. We can easily love and trust him then. I wonder how many will love and trust him, when He gives no reason too?

In this desert of emptiness, even a good spanking from God would feel good, at least you would be assured he is still with you! But this is peace of the horrid kind. Prayers are empty; you really do feel like David, a “walking dead man” inside. BE ENCOURAGED! One thing I have also found, you are not in this desert by accident. We have a Lord and Savior who watches everything, even when the smallest of birds fall from the sky. He knows where you are, what you are feeling, and he is ready at the right time to bring you out! Stay in faith toward God.


Whether this desert came upon you suddenly, for know reason, or because of some unrepentant sin, you were brought to this place to learn a valuable lesson. This is the lesson of faith toward God. Have faith (TRUST) in God that he will forgive your sin. Have faith (TRUST) that he will bring you thru this desert. And when the time is right, you will come out stronger in God, loving him and his word much more deeply and passionately. Then you too can proclaim like David in verse 6; “blessed be the LORD, because he hath heard the voice of my supplications”.

Trust him dear saint, you will be saying this on the other side of your “dead man” desert, if you stay faithful.

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