Friday, May 15, 2009

Take to Your Learnin
Scripture Reading: Numbers 22:21-38

"Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness the engrafted word that is able to save your souls." (James 1:21).

James 1:21 says to “humbly accept the word planted in you.” In other words, “be teachable!” “Receive instruction!” My sweet grandmother once commented about my brother’s ability to play the piano, “He sure took to his learnin’, didn’t he?” The question today is, “Do we?”

Our teachability often depends on our teacher. If we respect the teacher, we might accept the teaching. If we don’t, we dump it. Numbers 22 clearly demonstrates that God can use anything or anyone as an instrument of His instruction. He can oppose a donkey through a prophet or a prophet through a donkey. He can deliver His message to us in any form He wishes. Second Peter 2:15-16 says, “They have left the straight way and wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Beor, who loved the wages of wickedness. But he was rebuked for his wrongdoing by a donkey—a beast without speech—who spoke with a man's voice and restrained the prophet's madness.” When we are proud, rebellious, and insist on our own way, the chances are good He’ll use a donkey! Unlikely teachers have a two-fold purpose: to bring humility and instruction. Often we will learn no other way.

Whatever happened to Balaam? Last I saw of him, he was riding off with an “I Pause for Donkeys” bumper sticker on the back of his beast. Not a bad idea. Beloved, let’s work on having a more teachable spirit. God often wants to do “a new thing” in our lives, but we resist Him (see Isa. 43:18-19).

I have a wonderful friend named Marge Caldwell. She is beloved by many women who have heard her speak through the years. She absolutely amazes me. She would not appreciate me telling her age, and you would never believe it if I did, but she is still studying and allowing God to teach her new things when others have long since written their own eulogies. I get a kick out of watching her in our new contemporary worship service at church. She claps, sings, and sways with the best of them. Teachability!

Sometimes we don’t mind something new, we just don’t like the vehicle God’s using to drive us to that new place. A precious part of teachability is being willing and anxious to learn, regardless of who He chooses as our unlikely teacher. As my grandmother would say, “Child, let’s take to our learnin’.”

Lord, where I am unteachable, please manifest gentleness through Your Holy Spirit. Convict me when I close my ears to certain teachers out of sheer pride. Burden my heart when I refuse to learn anything new or anything that challenges something inaccurate about You that I’ve always believed. Give me a humble heart to receive Your instruction. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Adapted from Living Beyond Yourself, by Beth Moore,

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Talk is Cheap - Love is Priceless!

"And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?" - James 2:16.

I had a friend give me a computer program once, telling me that I would enjoy it. When I installed and executed the program, it caused my computer to "fall in love" with me. The program caused my computer to tag endearing names at the end of its responses like "sweet heart". My computer would display little messages on my screen such as "I love you" and little "hearts" would float across the desktop screen from time to time. Although it was entertaining, the affection was not real. The computer was only following a program and these responses occurred as certain keys were pressed or commands were initiated. Unfortunately, if we are not careful, we can fall victim to a certain type of "programming" in our own lives as well. A "programming" that will cause us to respond with certain words or actions that become so familiar and "expected", the words and actions become meaningless and void of any real value.

"Wherefore the Lord said, 'Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men' " - Isaiah 29:13.

Beloved, our relationship with God has been compared to many things within the scriptures - A shepherd and his sheep, a father and his children, etc. But the most intimate relationship an individual can achieve with God is compared in scripture to that of a man and his wife. A husband and wife must continue to discover new things about one another. Furthermore, the husband and wife must "pursue" one another's heart long after the honeymoon in order to keep the romance alive. Just as the man and woman must cultivate that relationship in order to make it last, we must continue in intimate fellowship with the Lord. But we must also be careful that we don't let that fellowship become "stagnant" where we are just "going through the motions".

Consider this...if I tell you in words that, "I love you"; however, when you are need...lonely, I never visit you...never pray with you...never supply your needs within my ability, you would not know for certain if my words were true. But if I never stated in words, "I love you"; but when you were need...lonely, I was there by your side, praying with you, sharing your pain, working toward your need being met; you would know that I loved you because "actions speak so much louder than words"! God has demonstrated His love for you and me in countless ways; ultimately, by giving us His Son. (John 3:16) We know by God's actions that He loves and cares for us.

Beloved, do you tell the Lord God that you love Him? If so, great. But do you also demonstrate your love to Him? You may state, "God knows everything. He knows that I love him. Does He really need me to demonstrate it?" You had better believe it! Not only does He need it...He wants it!...He deserves it!....and....He desires and delights in it!
More of His Spirit
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 2

“If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them who ask him!” (Luke 11:13).

You and I need nothing on this earth like more of the Holy Spirit. Do we need to love an unlovely person? Do we need extra patience? Could we use a little peace in the midst of chaos? Do we need to show an extra measure of kindness? Could anyone stand a little more faithfulness to God? Could anyone use a strong does of self-discipline? How about a heaping soulful of joy? Take a look at Galatians 5:22-23. They all come with the fullness of the Holy Spirit! You see, we don’t just need more patience. We need more of the Holy Spirit filling us and anointing us!
Now before anybody starts writing me letters, let me go on to explain. I realize the Holy Spirit is a person. When He comes into a believer’s life at salvation, He moves in personally. We believers have the Spirit, but the infinite Spirit of God continues to pour Himself into our lives. Any given day I may enjoy a greater portion of His Spirit from on high.

Does anyone need deep insight from God’s Word? An added measure of understanding? Anyone need the eyes of her heart enlightened to know the hope of her calling? Does anyone want to fulfill God’s eternal purposes for her life and think with the mind of Christ instead of the misleading mind of mortal flesh? All of these come with “more” of the Holy Spirit! (See 1 Corinthians 2.)

Child of God, don’t just absorb this truth! Get up and celebrate it! God gives His Spirit without measure! He has all that you need. Or more properly stated, He is that all you need. Our fulfillment and greatest joy are in the flooding of the Holy Spirit of God in our lives. He is how we understand God’s Word and will for our lives!

Here’s a good one: Could anyone use a sharper memory? Beloved, I could! Take a look at John 14:26. “The Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send you in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”

The Holy Spirit is the blessed Reminder. Have you ever noticed we have a very sharp memory about destructive things, but a far duller memory over instructive things? We need more of the Holy Spirit! Recently I had to memorize lines for a Christmas pageant at our church. I had never done anything like that, and I was a nervous wreck. Because I knew John 14:26, instead of just asking God to help me with my lines, I asked Him to fill me with more of His Holy Spirit so the blessed Reminder would manifest Himself to me—and He did! He is your key to memorizing Scripture or retaining anything biblical. Take Him up on it!

What do you need most from the Holy Spirit? Are you actively praying for more of Him toward that end? Luke 11:13 implies that if we want the Holy Spirit to invade more and more of our lives, God wants us to ask Him for it!

Holy Spirit, I do need more of you in my life. Please invade every part of me with ever-increasing measure. Energize my speech, thought patterns, and actions. Please show me where I’m quenching Your Spirit and hindering Your work. Remind me to pray for more and more of You. In the holy name of Jesus, Amen.

Written by: Beth Moore, Living Proof Ministries.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


He that loveth not knoweth not God: for God is love. (1 John 4:8)

We here, at Watchmen of the Wall Ministries, have given you many facets of the personality of God. We have explained his passion, his anger, and his judgment.One side that I do want to cover, if not for just this devotional, is the love of God.Truly, a Christian is not complete until he receives an understanding of the love of God.

One can live in the judgment passages in scripture, and walk away with a sense of dread and trembling. And you should be aware of this side of God, for the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but it is just that, the beginning, and not all. One can live in the passages that Jesus and the prophets expounded on about truth and doctrine, and you should also be aware of that. Without knowing the truth, you cannot be set free from false doctrine, and the lies of the Devil. But that is not all there is to God.

This is something that is not as exciting as the other facets of God, to many Christians. It does not contain the fireworks and entertainment value that fire and brimstone have. Looking in the Bible, and seeing the destruction of cities, the judgments against wicked nations, and the supernatural move of God is powerful, and I love those passages as well. But to be truly complete, to have true lasting peace, one must also receive this revelation of God as well, GOD IS LOVE!

The writer of our passage today, John the Apostle, was known for a long time as; “the disciple whom Jesus loved”. John would lay his head on Jesus’ chest as a child would his father. Think about it, while Peter was running around denying him, while Judas was betraying him, and the other disciples scattered, John was still following behind all the way to the cross, and was one of the first ones there at the Garden tomb, why? John feared the judgment of God, yes, but John was also infatuated with Jesus, in love to the depths of his soul with God. This love is a true staying power that will keep you from being a roller coaster Christian, in one day and out the next.

There is not enough room here for me to explain the love of God. But let’s end here with the greatest example, Jesus Christ. God loved us enough to give us his only begotten son, to be beaten and killed on a roman cross, so that we could have fellowship with him. He died and rose again, so that it could be proclaimed, “His father is now OUR father, and his God is now OUR God” (John 20:17). He withheld nothing from us, because of his great love, so that we didn’t have to burn in a devil’s Hell for eternity, away from him.

Do you walk and live in the love of God? If you do, do you show it to others? Do you have this peace that comes from the love of God, or do you walk in torment and fear, not understanding his nature? I pray you receive an understanding of this great love today.God loves you, why don’t you take time to give it back to him today.

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Worker Unashamed
Scripture Reading: Exodus 31:1-11; 36:1-7

“Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field’” (Matthew 9:37-38).

Exodus 36:1-7 tells about two very important contractors, Bezalel and Oholiab. God picked them by nonnegotiable and perfect design as His servants to furnish His dwelling place. Of the tens of thousands of able-bodied men in Israel, God chose Bezalel and filled him with His Spirit for this divinely unusual task. Exodus 31:2-5 says, “See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts - to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of craftsmanship.” Although we cannot know with certainty the reason for God’s choice, we can surmise that Bezalel was chosen because of his availability to God and his obedience
Did you know that prior to the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended on only a handful of persons? Of God’s chosen leaders, we read only of Moses, Joshua, Othniel, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson, Saul, and David being touched by the Holy Spirit’s presence. Of His prophets the 70 elders of Israel had the Spirit of God on them, as well as Balaam, a few messengers of Saul, Amasa, Azariah, Zechariah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel. These were members of an elite group! Fewer still were the number in which the Holy Spirit chose to remain. Prior to Acts 2 the Holy Spirit came and went as God pleased, falling on His subjects for a temporary task.

In the list of those important few who were filled by the Spirit, Bezalel was the only one who was not a leader or a prophet. He was a wage earner—a blue collar worker. Yet he is the only one in Old Testament history to be filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit to construct a building by a heavenly pattern! Several life applications can be drawn by Bezalel’s experience. First, he was God’s laborer. You and I are not leaders, kings, and prophets over God’s chosen Israel. We are laborers just like Bezalel. First Corinthians 3:9 tells us we are God’s fellow workers. Names were very important to the Hebrew people, often expressing character and destiny. The name Bezalel means in the shadow of God. He was not taking a power hike or craving recognition. He was happy to dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. God’s name was enough for him. He considered it a privilege just to work on God’s team. God wants willing laborers!

Second, Bezalel’s job was out of his league. If he had already possessed everything he needed for the task, God would not have bothered to empower him with His Holy Spirit. God is far too practical for that! He purposely assigned Bezalel a task beyond his capability so that He could fill him with His power.

God has rarely given me an assignment that I considered to be in my league. Anything of priority in the Kingdom is out of our league. When we serve in our church, we must never forget that we are dealing with people’s lives—their internal struggles and eternal destinies. Sincerity and sweat do not always suffice. God places us in positions beyond our capabilities so that we will be at His absolute mercy, realizing that only He can succeed.

Third, Bezalel worked well under authority. Notice in Exodus 36:1-7 that Bezalel not only worked well under God’s instruction but also submitted himself to the earthly authority God had designated—Moses. Authority is an important issue to God and one we struggle with deeply. We may not mind being under God’s authority at times, but we often resist human authorities God places over us. Remember, God is sovereign. If you are where God has placed you—whether at home, on the job, or at church—He has established the authority over you to work His glory in you. And while He expects us to submit to our authorities, He also empowers us for the difficult task.

Lord, I want to be the kind of laborer You can use. One who is happy to work in Your shadow and be on Your team. One who works well under authority. One who doesn’t shrink back from working out of his or her league, knowing that You will equip me with Your power and that all glory goes to You. I thank You for the Holy Spirit who dwells in me today through the work of Christ. Use my life, Lord. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Adapted from A Woman’s Heart, God’s Dwelling Place, by Beth Moore, pages 62-65. Nashville: LifeWay Press, 2007. Used by permission.