Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Talk is Cheap - Love is Priceless!

"And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?" - James 2:16.

I had a friend give me a computer program once, telling me that I would enjoy it. When I installed and executed the program, it caused my computer to "fall in love" with me. The program caused my computer to tag endearing names at the end of its responses like "sweet heart". My computer would display little messages on my screen such as "I love you" and little "hearts" would float across the desktop screen from time to time. Although it was entertaining, the affection was not real. The computer was only following a program and these responses occurred as certain keys were pressed or commands were initiated. Unfortunately, if we are not careful, we can fall victim to a certain type of "programming" in our own lives as well. A "programming" that will cause us to respond with certain words or actions that become so familiar and "expected", the words and actions become meaningless and void of any real value.

"Wherefore the Lord said, 'Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men' " - Isaiah 29:13.

Beloved, our relationship with God has been compared to many things within the scriptures - A shepherd and his sheep, a father and his children, etc. But the most intimate relationship an individual can achieve with God is compared in scripture to that of a man and his wife. A husband and wife must continue to discover new things about one another. Furthermore, the husband and wife must "pursue" one another's heart long after the honeymoon in order to keep the romance alive. Just as the man and woman must cultivate that relationship in order to make it last, we must continue in intimate fellowship with the Lord. But we must also be careful that we don't let that fellowship become "stagnant" where we are just "going through the motions".

Consider this...if I tell you in words that, "I love you"; however, when you are need...lonely, I never visit you...never pray with you...never supply your needs within my ability, you would not know for certain if my words were true. But if I never stated in words, "I love you"; but when you were need...lonely, I was there by your side, praying with you, sharing your pain, working toward your need being met; you would know that I loved you because "actions speak so much louder than words"! God has demonstrated His love for you and me in countless ways; ultimately, by giving us His Son. (John 3:16) We know by God's actions that He loves and cares for us.

Beloved, do you tell the Lord God that you love Him? If so, great. But do you also demonstrate your love to Him? You may state, "God knows everything. He knows that I love him. Does He really need me to demonstrate it?" You had better believe it! Not only does He need it...He wants it!...He deserves it!....and....He desires and delights in it!

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