Thursday, December 3, 2009


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians 6:12)

I want to focus on this verse today. I believe we as christians, and the world of organized church, has failed in preaching and teaching this to today's generation.

The Apostle Paul here begins to set up the principle that what we fight - is in the spiritual realm

Our weapons that we use to get victory and keep victory - is in the spiritual realm.

Government leaders, politicians, and world governments are being controlled by beings - in the spiritual realm.

And, if we study Paul's teachings in depth, we will find he is telling us the REAL REALITY is in this realm. What we see here on this earth is a mirage, an image that will fade away and has no eternal substance to it. There is coming a day, very soon, when the owner of this universe, GOD, will bring time and all this stuff we see and touch to an end. He will wipe it clean and create a new heaven and earth that will not pass away ---- "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea." ( Revelation 21:1)

Yet we live like this world will stand forever. We in the church get mad at our brothers and sisters without a cause, because they have "hurt" our feelings, and we make them our enemy when it is really Satan pulling the strings. Because we have a "curtain" over our eyes that we can't easily see the spiritual realm, we fall victim to being controlled by the beings that live there, namely demons and devils, like puppets and turn on our church family, church leaders, and even God while they stand back and laugh at our division in our church.

I pray today, as Elijah prayed for his servant, that your eyes will come open again. I pray that you will begin to see and feel this real world working all around you. I pray you begin to live and walk like one who is at war, because reader you are whether you want to be, or not. I pray you begin to get into God's word, pray, and fast to get into the protection of God for your life. This is a war to the death, spiritual and physical.

Satan plays for keeps. He will stop at nothing to destroy you. And one of his greatest weapons is IGNORANCE. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:" (Hosea 4:6) As long as you forget what I am telling you, or refuse to believe, he has his hooks on you, he controls you.

Make a choice today, to begin to pick up your weapons, to give God all in your life and ask him to take control of you 100 percent. We will explore further in part 3 our weapons and how we use them. But I beg you reader, make your choice now, time is running out.

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