Sunday, October 25, 2009


Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. (Luke 12:6-7)

I am amazed at these verses of scripture. At the extent of the care and love that God places on us is mindboggling. Another instance in scripture Jesus says that not even one of these birds falls to the ground without our heavenly father knowing it's demise, (Matthew 10:29). What kind of love the Father has for us, is beyond human understanding. If we really think on these verses, then we must understand that God knows what we are going thru, and he cares, and never again can we say, does God really know what I am going thru?

I want to show you something, maybe you've never thought of. Please don't missunderstand what I am about to say, I take nothing away from our Lord and Saviour, Jesus, with this statement. His love is amazing by itself, but think about this, it was the plan of the Father, to execute his son on a cross for us. It was the plan of the Father to set in motion all these things from the garden of Eden to redeem us from the curse of Hell, eternal seperation from his presence. It was the plan of the Father, to create a race (The Jews) for which our Lord would come thru. It was ultimately The Father, God, behind all this, to save us and help us.

One of the most powerful verses in the Bible centers on a conversation in the garden with a risen from the dead Jesus and Mary. Jesus gives the command to Mary to go tell the disciples this word; "Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God." (John 20:17). Think about this, for such a long time, God was seperated from us due to sin, no way to walk and talk with us like he did Adam in the garden. But thanks to Jesus fulfilling the plan of God, that was now restored. This is what he meant by that statement, now his father was ours, now his God was ours.

I ask you a question, did not Jesus say it was expedient that he go so the Holy Ghost could come down? (John 16:7) And does not the Bible teach us that God is a spirit? (John 4:24) Why do you think this trading places was so important? Not only was it meant to impower the believer with power from on high, to be witnesses and live holy lives, but also, so the Father could once again have this fellowship lost to him in the garden. It is the Father behind it all. What love he has for you and I!

Worship him today. Don't go into his presence today asking for things and telling him what you want to do, go into his presence just to love on him. Thank him for his marvellous plan in his son Jesus, to redeem us back into the family. We have such a wonderful Father in God, don't take him for granted today.

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