Friday, October 23, 2009


I want to speak to you this morning that is carrying something against God. Now, before you dismiss this, and say; “I don’t hate God with anything”, I am talking about much more than just someone carrying hatred and anger against God. And I know there are some people out there who are angry, because they feel God abandoned them in some way. Please, let me speak to you this morning, hear me out in what I have to say. What will it hurt to listen to what I want to tell you? You have nothing to lose, yet.

First, let me speak to the angry ones. To you, who feel God failed you on a promise, left you for dead, I have a word, and this is for you. The Bible says this; “Jesus said unto her, (Martha, Lazarus’s sister) I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:” (John 11:25). You know this story here, how Lazarus died and how Jesus purposefully waited 4 days too late to come to him. It was part of a plan. And that plan was to show people that you must have faith in God. We as humans have this problem called “Time limits”. We fall into this trap of thinking something has to be done at a certain time or all hope is lost. To Martha, all hope was lost because Lazarus died. But we serve a God who is not bound by the power of Death, or time limits. Even after rotting and stinking in a grave for 4 days, Jesus commands three little words; “Lazarus, come forth!” (John 11:43), and Lazarus rises from death and walks out! You must believe, you must not give in to giving up. God allows bad timing, to show you he doesn’t have to move before time is up, he controls it. Whatever way you think he has failed, or not kept his promise, don’t believe it! Time has not ran out, the promise you need and the thing you need God to do can still happen, but if you give up faith all is truly lost.

Last, let me speak to those who aren’t carrying anger, but grief. Those who feel they are to far gone for God to care or reach. You made a mistake, and you’ve suffered greatly for it. Something happened in your past, and if you just had seen it coming, everything would have been alright. But, it blind-sighted you and knocked you to the ground. I am talking to someone directly right now, and hear me; God is reaching to you thru this word today. Right about now you are feeling funny inside, and you are feeling a weight in the middle of your chest. This is the gentle tug of the Holy Ghost beginning to speak to you. God has been like that father of the Prodigal son, waiting and looking for your return, ready to forgive you when you called. But sorrow and depression over the “Thing” that happened in your life kept you apart, not allowing you to call on him. I have a word for you from the Lord; “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). He is also telling me to tell you this; “I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him.” (Hosea 14:4). I know it maybe hard to believe, but he is calling you back, before it is too late.

It is time to let these things go. God is willing and able to clean the slate and start brand new with you again. But you must meet him there, and give him a second chance as well.

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