Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. (Revelation 3:11)

I wanted to take time in this devotional today to express my feelings on this particular scripture. I know time and space here will constrain me to not be able to convey what I feel in my heart to you. It will not allow me to shake you and wake you from the daze you are in. Jesus is coming again!

His return is just as real as death and taxes. You must realize, everything that is happening in the world and in your personal life is bringing about the coming of Jesus Christ again. The economic upheaval, the rise in school shootings, murders, sex crimes, homosexuality, and abortions are all part of what Jesus said would happen as his return comes closer. I wish I knew what it would take to shake you, make you live today like he could return at any second! There is a parable (in Luke chapter 12) that records what I believe is happening to the church today. It states a servant of the Lord was told to wait and tarry till he would return. As time went by, that servant began to run out of concern and patience. And, after a long period of time, he gave up!

This servant stopped looking, stopped being concerned with his lord’s imminent return to the house. The bible states he began to drink alcohol, get drunk, and abuse and hurt the ones around him in his life. Then the terrible happens. The lord of the house returns, when he was not looking and not prepared. The bible states his punishment was being cut off, and winding up where the hypocrites and unbelievers go, (this would be Hell). What a horrible thing to happen, you say? But this is the state the church in general is coming too! Jesus said as his coming draws closer, a great falling away would happen (2 Thessalonians chapter 2). We can see this as we go to church and look at the ever increasing numbers of empty seats, and people we know who have quit on God.

I ask you, does his return still enter your mind every day? Are you concerned with your walk with God? What about your family? Do you live like today could be it? Dear saint, wake up, Jesus is soon coming. Walk soberly, and be diligent (looking) for his return. Don’t let it catch you like that servant who no longer cared to wait.

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