Thursday, June 25, 2009


I want to share my thoughts with you today. It concerns what I see coming on the horizon like a bad thunderstorm in summer. I can see all the Black clouds that are gathering to bring a very bad storm. And each one of these clouds are different, each bringing their own brand of rain. I wonder today how many "Christians" are aware of this? I wonder how many sense something coming in their bones? Sadly, the ratio of sensetive believers are not good numbers.

I want you to focus on something today. I want you to drop all the "big prophecies" you have heard all your life concerning the return of Christ. Something you must understand is this: IT TAKES THE FULLFILLMENT OF THE SMALL, BEHIND THE SCENES PROPHECIES TO BRING ABOUT THE BIG ONES. Simply put, before all the big end time prophecies of fire and brimestone and 666 marks and horsemen come about, the little unseen things have to happen first to make them come to pass. And these little small things can ONLY be caught by sensetive, Holy Ghost filled Bible believers. All others will never see what hit them till it is too late.

And at the risk of trying to sound like a prophet, which I don't claim to be, I am going to share some "little prophecies" that are happening right now before your very eyes.

  • I see a time coming when mainstream christian radio and TV broadcasts will be shut down.

  • I see a time coming when christian bookstores will be forced to close their doors

  • I see the fall of "Mega churches", churches that proudly proclaim they are big enough to have their own zip code will crumble under the weight of persecution and financial calamity

  • I see our government producing laws that will strip away the rights of the "conservative traditional Christian" and begin a militant assault legally against such believers.

  • I see thousands falling away from God, as pastors who have preached "no believer will ever see the tribulation" weep behind the pulpit crying; " I was wrong, God help me!" while their congregation leaves him to be alone.

Beloved, are you preparing yourself? Is your relationship with Jesus Christ only a trip on sunday morning and what your pastor or "mamma" told you about him? Do you read his word with desire and hear his voice speak to you intimately? Do you find time to seek him hours on end thru a work week, just wanting to talk to him, or are you gambling your very soul on what someone has told you? For many people, the only fellowship they have with God is what their pastor has said, their parents or some preacher on TV has taught them. God help these decieved believers.

I can only beg you to prepare. The storm is coming. It is closer now than it has ever been in history, and the end of this storm is the return of Jesus Christ to this earth, to gather his faithful lovers. Dear saint, please get ready before he comes again, you will not have another chance when he appears. Don't be fooled.

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