Monday, June 22, 2009


We are living in the most exciting time ever in history!

Well, I guess that depends on what side of the fence you are on. if you are a born again, spirit filled, living everday for Christ believer, then you are finding yourself a little excited about the world events. I say this with all the authority vested in me........


For hundreds of years, evangelists and pastors have warned of the second return of Jesus Christ. They have pulled out the prophecies and preached to the masses as though he would return at any moment. I don't mock these people, they truly believed Jesus could return at any time, and there is nothing stopping him if he wanted to come right now. But I believe we are a generation that is seeing the very things the Bible said must come to pass, happen before our very eyes!

Never before has christian values and moral standards come under attack the way they are now. Even when we look back at the persecution that believers suffered under the hands of leaders like Rameses, Nero and Hitler, it still doesn't come close to what is looming on the horizon. The Bible declares there will be trouble and persecution like has never been on the face of this earth, and never will be again! Are you ready?

There is coming a time when going to church will cost you your life! Are you ready?
There is coming a time when having a Bible in your house will cost you jail time! Are you ready?
There is coming a time when your children will be beaten for your faith! Are you ready?
What about when you can't buy food or clothes unless you deny Christ! Are you ready?

Throw away your man made doctrines and church creeds! Get rid of your safety nets that your preacher tells you, saying; "we will never see persecution, Jesus will take us out of here first" - LIES! LIES! LIES! Let me ask you, are you willing to gamble your christian walk and seat in Heaven based on what some man made belief says? Do you not, when going to invest your money in something, begin to investigate, ask questions and find out just how sound this investment is?

The same is true with doctrines that cater to our flesh, and tell us we will pay no price for our stand with Jesus! I challenge you, find one instance in your Bible where God stopped one of his saints from entering into persecution, you will not find it! God delivered them out AFTER they entered into trouble, and only if they were FAITHFUL to him all thru it, never giving up. There is a Gospel being preached today that gives people a "get out of jail free" card. Telling them they will never see this coming tribulation. I tell you today in love, THAT IS A LIE STRAIGHT FROM THE PITS OF HELL! Satan wants you to believe this, and not be ready.

Can you see it? The end is coming! This generation can say this with more truth to it than any that has lived since Noah's day. Are you ready? Have you prepared yourself for the coming persecution? Will you say yes to Jesus and no to Satan when your hungry, when your family is being killed? When there is no reason to believe, will you still Believe?

I pray for you today. I beg you reader, ready or not, Jesus is coming. Prepare now, while you still can.

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