Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Highest Calling

"That I May Know Him..."  - Philippians 3:10.

This quite possibly could be the greatest statement of faith, hope, and love that the Apostle Paul made concerning his life.

One question that needs answered by all is, "What are you living for?"

Even if you never consciously ask yourself that question, you answer it on a continual basis. The need for purpose in life is, I believe, the greatest need there is - far surpassing that of food and water. Destroy the spirit's will to live, and the body will follow shortly
thereafter. The greatest killer in our world, contrary to statistical study, is not heart
disease, but namely "hopelessness."

"Hope," in any context, is any reason a person has for living. Whatever a person
puts their hope in will be their motivation. Their drive to rise up in the morning, to face
another day, to lie back down at night, will all stem from where their hope lies. Remove
them from that hope, or that hope from them, and soon they will die. Also, their power
to live and the impact they have in this world are based upon the source and strength of
their hope.

That is why the Apostle Paul made such a difference in the world. Even today, his words are still making a profound impact in the lives of those who choose to
take his words and his "hope" seriously.

"That I may know Him...," is the single, main reason for our existence. This
statement is the bottom line to questions such as, "Where did we come from?', or, "Why
did God create us?", or, "Why are we here?" It is also the answer to the questions, "Why
did Jesus die?", or, "What's God's purpose for my life?" So many people are waiting for God or "fate" or "karma" to reveal to them some great answer to the mystery of their existence.

Why did God create me?

"That I may know Him."
Why am I here?

"That I may know Him."
Why did Jesus die?

"That I may know Him."
What's God's purpose for my life?

"That I may know Him."
Discovering Jesus was the reason, purpose, goal, and motivation for Paul's life.
Knowing Jesus was the aim of his entire ministry. This should also be the reason,
purpose, goal, and motivation for our lives; and the aim for any work we endeavor to do
for Him. Jesus is our "Blessed Hope."

What are you living for?

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