Friday, September 23, 2011

The Point of It All

"Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher, vanity of vanities: all is vanity." - Ecclesiastes 1:2.

Solomon was the wisest, richest king in all of Isreal's history. God had annointed him with wisdom unsurpassed even to this day. He had, to coin a phrase of today, " done it all and seen it all". At his beck and call was enormous wealth so that he could have anything his heart desired. Fine clothes, new chariots, women on every hand, parties all nite, friends everywhere, houses that would rival today's mansions. But something happened to this man.

In the end, all this prosperity did only one thing. It took his heart away from what really mattered and what was important. For a season all those things - the money, the women, the friends gave him just enough peace and joy to send him down the road of dispair and depression without Solomon even knowing he was heading there!

"And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful." - Mark 4:19.

The false peace and sence of accomplishment we get when we give our flesh what it desires only serve to dull our senses to the giant hole in our soul needing to be filled. At some point in your life, what you do to pacify the call of longing in your soul will run out; and all the parties, women, cars, drugs, alcohol, and friends in the world will not stop the sleepless nights, tears and anguish, and overwhelming loneliness - crying for help. If you don't believe me, check the latest suicide rate statistics.

Solomon found this truth after his own fruitless journey. As he came to the end of his life, he realized way to late a life spent on these things for satisfaction is "Vanity" or "meaningless" -  useless and powerless to satisfy. But he also discovered the real reason for living - the only thing that matters and gives us peace and joy that will last.

" Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." - Ecclesiastes 12:13.

Beloved, what is the point of it all? It is a life spent loving God, seeking to hear His voice, seeking for Him and fellowship with His precious Holy Ghost. That is all. The only thing that will give you real peace and lasting joy. The treasures and toys of this world you cannot take with you when you die, and you will die someday.

All the accolades you accumulate will not move or impress God when you tell Him about them on judgement day. I plead with you - Get to know Jesus Christ and the power of His resurection, the fellowship of His sufferings. Call on him before the end and He will give you a life of "Victory" not "Vanity".

" give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified." - Isaiah 61:3.

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