Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's a Heart Thing

“Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the WHOLE HEART " - Psalm 119:2.

As I look at the state of the church as a whole, I am quite amazed at how far we have come! Now, you're thinking I am about to brag on our wonderful prefabricated Sunday school programs, our 5 steps to know how to grow a mega church, our schools for learning how to be the most charismatic speaker that has ever graced a pulpit, our man made plans to mission field the entire face of the planet earth so those pour heathen in other countries can have the chance to join the church like I have. Now, that is what you think I am about to do, don't you?

Wrong! I am quite amazed at how far we have come from the CHURCH that is in the book of Acts, to what we have turned into today! That small band of soldiers of 2,000 years ago so upset the kingdom of Satan, that he killed many of them, tortured them horribly, and brought them through terrible persecutions. These are the ones that were given the testimony by all the people in that region of,

Beloved, the church is not a building, it is not a man made denomination, it is you! Jesus said now you are the temple of the Holy Ghost (1 Corinthians 6:19). God no longer dwells in tents and buildings made by human hands. He wants to dwell, and that word dwell implies living and breathing and moving, in you!

We can be just like the church of Acts, today. The same spirit of God, the same access to God's power and provision they had is here for us today. We can walk in the fellowship of His Spirit and Word and have people say of us today we are turning the world upside down for Him. What is the missing ingredient you say? What were they doing back then we are lacking in now? It is many things, but the first, most important thing is this, they sought the lord with their whole heart!

They pursued God like a thirsting deer, parched and dry, needing a drink, looking for a stream or pond with all their strength and will before they died of thirst! They sought after His will and His fellowship like someone who has lost something very precious to them in their house. And that person begins to sweep, and tear the house apart inch by inch, and does not rest until they have found their precious thing. This is the foundational difference between the Acts church then, and what is called the church today.

I ask you, can you truly say you seek God with all your heart? Do you pursue Him in prayer and fellowship like someone who has found his/her soul mate? Do burn inside for His word to speak to you, for His presence to carry you into the bedchamber of God and worship there?

Beloved, if we will make the decision today to pursue God with all our hearts, then we have the promise of the Father that He will let us find Him. And everything we are needing and wanting in our soul is there. Thanks be to Jesus Christ, who paved the way with His own blood so we can have access to the throne of God!

Beloved, make the choice today to pursue God with your whole heart. Don't do it half-way, don't give Him 2/3 and keep some back for yourself. Go after Him like a new found lover and accept nothing less than 100 percent of God in your life. Ask God to give you a heart to seek after Him and His word and I promise you, He will be waiting there for you.

"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me" - Psalm 51:10.

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