Monday, September 26, 2011

Run! Run for your Life!

"And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the Vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it." - Habakkuk 2:2.

I write to you this morning in tears. My heart is heavy within me and I weep and cry for you who are reading this - for those who will read this on the website - for those who see this at their workplace. For all the souls who I will not see with my eyes, I weep and cry.

I see a storm coming!

God said to me the vision I see I am to write it to you today, so you may run when you read it. I see a time coming when the money we hold so dear to our heart to save us will be of no more value than the dung you find on the street. I see a time coming when Pastors, who have proclaimed a god of riches and financial gain for his blessing, will stand behind a pulpit one morning and cry as they see chaos and fear in their city, where no one has any money to buy food, and they have no answers to why their god they preached, didn’t come thru.

I see a time coming, when this nation will once again be shaken, even worse than when the twin towers fell in New York City, September 11, 2001. I remember watching, as the buildings were burning and the people that were trapped in the floors above the fire, jumped hundreds of feet to their death. Some jumped together holding hands as they fell knowing they would die. I’ve come to you this morning to tell you, THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE! JUMP! But not to your death, but to the arms of a merciful Saviour, waiting to catch you before it’s too late. Run to him now, while you still can.

The house we call the United States of America is burning. As we murder thousands of unborn babies a year, their blood cries from the hands of the doctor it is dripping from, to a God who hears it. As preachers build armies of powerless pew sitters, all for the money they can greedily take from you, and selfishly lift themselves up with the praises they receive from your mouth. We can go to church hiding some unrepentant sin, and leave knowing we escaped feeling bad about it because God never showed up today . We are burning! The storm is coming! The wrath of God is coming! Jesus is about to return! What side of the fence will you be on in that day!

Run child of God, run away from churches that have no Spirit of God - that have a humanistic gospel of prosperity, self-centeredness. Run from preachers that lift up man and make him feel good with some philosophical poison. Run from Pastors that tell you God is a God to make you wealthy and rich. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing, and they are pumping poison in your soul and raping you of any chance of making it into eternity with God!

Run! Run! run away from them! And run back to Jesus. There you will find the ONLY shelter from the coming storm.

This storm will come. We are in the beginning stages of it now. If you don’t believe me, look at the news as one family out west gathered together, took a gun and the father, mother and children killed each other in their living room, because the financial crisis caused them to loose their life savings. We are in the last of the last days! And as Elijah asked the people on Mount Carmel, I ask you reader, how long halt you between two opinions? How long do you stand between God and the Devil and make no decision about which one to accept? JESUS IS COMING!

The bible states in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, in a split second He will return, and gather to Him only those who have made a decision to follow Him. The storm is coming, trouble on earth so great that men will try to kill themselves, and cannot die because the wrath of God is on the earth and there still here, left behind. They made the wrong decision.

I beg you with a broken heart, trembling in tears - make the right decision today before its too late. Throw away that beer, run from that woman wanting you to cheat on your wife, Tell your stock broker money is no longer your number one focus. Click off the pornography on your computer at home. Run from them! Run to Jesus where you are right now, I want to see you in Heaven with me one day. I pray you choose God before it’s too late, while God can still be called on in prayer.

Run to him now and live thru the coming storm.

"The name of the LORD [is] a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe." - Proverbs 18:10.

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