Sunday, September 13, 2009


I want to clarify some of the things that were said in our last devotional; "The greatest warning we will ever give". It has come to my attention that many of our readers of this blog were concerned and missunderstanding on some of my warnings. This is to help you to understand, and not be confused. Again, I want you to understand I give you this warning in love, as the Spirit of the Lord has instructed me. I am not interested in debating, whatever reservations you have about this, please talk to the Lord about them.

The reference to; "unlike what many preachers are saying, we will get out of here", means simply many preachers, teachers and prophecy teachers tell you they have the inside scoop on how things will end. Depending on which one you listen to, the majority of "Leaders" tell us we will get out of here before any trouble, persecution or trials befall the children of God. I firmly believe we will get "out of here" via the event called the "Blessed hope";...(For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. ) - 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

But beloved, read your Bible for yourself! Stop relying totally on some preacher or scholar, hanging on his or her every word as gold, never questioning the possiblity that they could be wrong! Read and you will find evidence that God never, ever gave his children a "get out of Jail free card" at any time when persecution, tribulation or trials were to come on the Earth. In fact, Jesus himself said; "Blessed [are] they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:10). You will find Joseph went into prison, Daniel was thrown in the lions den, the 3 Hebrew Boys were cast into the furnace of fire, John the Baptist's head did fall of the chopping block, most of the apostles died a horrible death because of their faith, and finally, our Lord and saviour (Jesus Christ) was not spared the cruel beatings, whippings with cords of bone shards and nailed to a tree because he aligned himself with the creator of the universe, God.

Their is more evidence in scripture supporting the fact that we, the children of God, will see more of this thing called the "tribulation" than these "get out of here early" proclaimers. The reference to: "WE ARE ABOUT TO BEGIN THE TRUMPET JUDGMENTS!" means God is warning me, not only have we passed into the beginning of trouble, but we are already into the last great round of events before the end of this age. I strongly urge you to read Revelation chapter 7 and 8 after you are finished with this devotional. This judgment is coming now, if it is not already sounded in the throne room of God! I will dive deeper into this meaning in our next devotional so please continue to read these coming blogs.

Many have stated that I am a false prophet, that I am self righteous and mislead for saying and standing on the fact that I hear the voice of the Lord, and that he clearly speaks to me in this manner, warning me of coming future events. If you attack me personally, that is ok, I still love you in Christ. But I want you to consider one point. Don't take my word for it, take the words of Jesus Christ instead. Jesus told John the Apostle in his Revelation to the churches this statement: ( Blessed [is] he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time [is] at hand. (Revelation 1:3) Think about that!

This book called "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" was a series of warnings and visions written not to non-believers, lost souls, or such the like. But these were warnings written to prepare the 7 churches in Asia Minor! Get it? To believers of Jesus Christ to prepare!

I want to leave you with this thought for now. Why would God waste his time, writing in detail the coming future events, world stage, coming persecution and martyrdom of believers and warnings of what to do and what not to do, if, we as believers were not going to be here to need warning? Think about that!

If you don't believe me to be a "Watcher", fine. But read for yourself. Ask yourself the hard questions. If we are getting out of here before the bad comes, why do we need to know about the bad and be warned. Either Believe the words of Jesus Christ, or you had better tear the book of Daniel and Revelation out of your Bible!

More to come...........

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