Thursday, September 17, 2009


We have been talking a lot lately about the coming “Tribulation” and persecution that is about to slap the sides of this Earth. We also have been warning the church that this IS the trouble spoken of in Revelation coming very soon. We also have been warning the believers that the wonderful “Get out of jail” free card so many preachers are proclaiming is false, to prepare and be ready to go thru more than what today’s leaders are saying.

It is our intention to prepare the believer, though the “Rapture” could take place at any time, the very purpose of these tribulations of fire is not for wrath or judgment, but to purify the body of Christ, and make her able to stand and be worthy to enter into God’s Heaven. There are many precedents in scripture that validate the doctrine of hard trials and tribulations coming to teach us, clean us and make us in right standing with God.

What many scholars and teachers fail to understand is the ending “Tribulation” period is broken into tribulations (fire purging for saints), and then the final wrath of God to pour out on the unrepentant unbelievers. God never delivers us out of fire purging tribulation and trouble, because going thru it makes us more holy, much stronger saints. I do not feel by the Spirit of God, nor do I see in scripture anything that says we will be present for all of this, hence the reason for the “Blessed Hope”, and this scripture: “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.” (Matthew 24:22)

You have been sufficiently warned. Thru many devotionals from WATCHMEN OF THE WALL MINISTRIES we have fully warned you of the events to come. From the spirit of FEAR to be set loose, to the coming supernatural HATRED against one another, to finally the TRUMPET judgments of Revelation beginning to sound, you have been warned. What I want you to understand now is how to deal with these warnings. The big question now is, “okay, I am being warned of the coming end, of Jesus’ return, and preceding judgment, what must I do to ensure I am walking down the right path, and come thru these judgments on the right side?”

It is very simple, almost so simple that it will be missed by many Christians; they will not understand the very simplicity of the answer and fall away during the coming hard times.
Are you ready for the answer? Here it is:

“Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.”(Luke 18:17). Think about this scripture for a moment. We all understand the normal take on this, but listen to its even deeper meaning. A child has complete trust in its parents. When they are young, they are completely submissive to their parents teaching, protection and provision. I know as they grow older, it becomes a different story, but it is that childlike submission, or for a better word, resignation, to their parents knowing what is right for them, that I want you to understand. You can’t fight against the fire, the Holy Spirit knows what he is doing, and will finish the job he starts in you. You must resign, like a child, submit to what he says to do, whatever he says to clean up, whatever he says to deal with, in your life. No matter how strange, no matter how hard it may seem, he will help you to overcome. And he, the Holy Ghost, will guide you thru the fire, and the tribulation to the winning side. Resign to his will and you will make it.

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