Friday, September 11, 2009


At the risk of sounding like another prophet of doom, I must tell you by what the Spirit of the Lord is been warning me for the last 8 months. I don’t know how aware you are of Bible Prophecy, I don’t know how up to speed you are on world events, then I must have faith you will understand what I am saying, and you must have faith I am listening to the voice of the Lord.

I am not adding my voice here to the multitude of voices screaming that Jesus is coming soon; theirs is a warning that has been handed down for centuries about his promised return to earth, very general. My warning to you is one based on what is happening in the heavenlies, what is happening on the world stage, what is happening in the hearts of Christians all over the world. God has been teaching me, learning me of what exactly is going on for the last 8 months. Parts of our conversation have turned into devotionals for your benefit. But now, I must give you what will be the greatest decision you will ever make. You will not be the same after I am done here, after you have read this and decided for yourself what side you will choose.

If you read your Bible, and are familiar with the prophecies contained in it, you will know there are a series of judgments that pour out right before the events (“great tribulation”) that will be poured out on this earth. You will know the Earth as we know it will be close to the end. Soon and very soon after that Jesus is coming again to take over what belongs to him, what he paid for on the cross of Calvary. These judgments are called the “trumpet” judgments in Revelation chapter 8. I am going to make an announcement here: WE ARE ABOUT TO BEGIN THE TRUMPET JUDGMENTS!

You can take it, you can leave it. You can discard my warning as the ramblings of a crazy man who is off his rocker. Or, you can prepare, be ready, and make peace with your Lord and Saviour. Whatever is in your life, unrepentant of, whatever it takes to repair the breach that has separated you from the presence of God, you can and must take care of now, before it is too late. There is no more time for playing games; your time is almost running out. You say, “I will just ride out the judgments then, and I will be okay, that is what other preachers are saying”. I must warn you, there is an event in the middle of all this that cannot be nailed down to a exact time. Even though God has shown me the coming trumpet judgments, even though he has shown me many signs and prophecies being fulfilled in Revelation, there is one event even Jesus himself doesn’t know when will happen, and it is designed to catch all who are PLAYING GAMES with God unready and not able to go with him,, this event is called “The Blessed Hope”, better known as the Rapture.

You can’t rely on watching events, timing judgments to get right, in the nick of time. At some point, unlike what many preachers are saying, we will get out of here. After much persecution, tribulation, we will be rescued. But, in a time least expected, when you are not watching, the Rapture will occur, and you will be left behind, if you are not ready. And I must say this,, THIS IS YOUR ONE AND ONLY CHANCE TO GET OUT OF HERE. All those left will be damned to eternity without God.

Please, Please I beg you. Make sure you and God are on speaking terms. Make sure everything is ok. You can know with assurance you will be going when he comes. The trumpets are beginning to sound, the end is near. Are you ready?

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