Thursday, September 10, 2009


Truth number #3: We have been raped of the power of God - “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

Remove the presence of God and the purity of a holy life, and then it is inevitable that the power of God will be absent as well. This is why we have powerless preaching. Why we come to church depressed and leave suicidal. Without the power of God, we can anoint people with oil for healing, and all we have are slick, sick saints still bound by cancer.

You can go to seminary for four years, learn how to give great speeches with awesome delivery, but without the power of God no one gets changed, and your words are empty and meaningless. The very first church had power with God. When someone even lied to the Holy Ghost; they fell dead at their feet (Acts 5:5). But we have become so powerless; ministers can stand behind a sacred desk, after leaving their office from watching pornography, and no one is the wiser.

Satan knows the power of God is something he cannot fight and must bow down to. This power enabled Jesus and the disciples to take authority over Satan and his minions. But if many of today’s Christians attempted to cast out a devil, the result would be very similar to that of the seven sons of Sceva, who were viciously attacked and driven out of the house. Why? They had no power with God (Acts 19:14).

These are but a few truths that Satan has raped from the church of Jesus Christ. The damage of these hybrid truths (half lies) seems irreparable. Statistics show 38 percent of Americans today are either atheistic or God has no relevance in their lives. Thousands are committing suicide daily, with no hope for an answer to their problems. Children are growing up in separate homes and living broken lives as the divorce rate in the church grows higher than that of the world. Satan took these truths from us thru pastors and leaders who had no heart for the sheep or cared for their soul.

But now is not the time to fear or cry.

There is hope…

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