Thursday, July 2, 2009


"...... And they said: we want a king to rule over us like the other nations.......... and God said: weep not Samuel, they have not rejected you, they have rejected me..." ( The book of 1st Samuel)

Many will be offended at this devotional; and I am stating what I state love. We here at Watchmen of the Wall ministries hate no one. We love everyone regardless their age, race, color, belief, or doctrine. In fact, if we do not love one another, the Bible tells us the love of God is not in us. But we here at this ministry, and any God called ministry, are commanded to cry aloud and spare not, lifting up our voice like a trumpet against anything that is poison to the body of Christ, trying to warn others from falling in the trap.


It is in my heart to love everyone and not see them go to Hell, because of the traps of Satan. Therefore, having said that, I must warn you that we have entered into a time such as Samuel the prophet saw. When Israel was in the land of Canaan, and they had finally won the land as a possession; there were no more wars to fight. These very same people, who had once worshipped God and followed his precepts, now saw the godless nations still in this land; and began to desire the things they had. God had warned them ahead of time not to take anything from these godless nations and not even to act like they are. But soon, restless Israel began to beg for a king like the other nations.

Rejecting the prophets God had set up to lead them, they wanted rule from a man instead of God himself. God gave them their desire in the form of a man called Saul. Saul was not a godly leader. At first, he appeared as if he wanted to do the right thing. But as time always shows, he proved himself to be self centered - wanting only his agenda and what he desired, not God's will and what was good for the people to righteousness. Eventually, he began to break every law God said to follow, causing the people to sin - leading them to punishment and his untimely death.


I believe, by the spirit of God, we were warned September 11, 2001! That terrible act of terrorism that killed over 3,000 Americans was a wake up call to repent. God has done this through out the course of history to get his people to return to him. But we did not heed his call. Sure, attendance in church rose for a few months; but soon we began to forget God again. Fear can shake you, but only for a while until the fear comes down. If true love does not reign in your heart, you will not stay. And again, this country headed down an even more godless road.

We, unfortunately, begged for a godless set of leaders to rule over us. We were more concerned about our money, our 401k, our creature comforts of a big house a two cars in every garage and the comfort and desires we enjoy. And instead of wanting God more, we chose one in these elections that catered to our earthly desires. I can hear Samuel rolling in his grave saying; " Oh God, they are doing it again"!

Beware of these leaders - they act like Christians; but everything that quacks like a duck, sometimes is not one. I feel by the spirit that we have now turned down the road to the end, and we cannot turn back. We did not heed to the harsh, but loving, call God gave us to repent. And now the end of these godless leaders will be the rush to the tribulation, and the end of this age.

Don't believe their lies. Don't be caught on their side. God wants you to be ready for the soon return of his son. And only those who have not sided with the godless - taking their ways, marks, and beliefs - will meet him in the air and receive Heaven as your home.

I say this in love....Be ready...... Jesus is coming soon, and so is judgment on this nation, which one do you choose?

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