Wednesday, July 1, 2009


In one of our last devotionals, we explored the idea of motivation. We explained that either you are motivated by fear, running from something in your life that scares you to death. And on the other side we have love, something that you are running too, something that captivates your heart so much, you are fighting to go forward to get it.

I want to explore that senario, just a little deeper.

Think about it. All man's motivation in this world, no matter what the subject, boils down to these two motives. I want you to ask yourself this question, which person is truly free? The person running from something behind them, or the person who has something in front? Coming upon this world shortly is a time of total chaos and fear like the world has never known. We have warned you about the coming terror if you have followed Watchmen of the Wall Ministries any length of time.

This terror and fear to hit this earth was prophesied in the book of Revelation, as one of the horsemen to ride and bring judgement. This fear and terror will cause you to lose your sanity. It will cause you to do whatever to survive, sell out on Jesus, take a cursed mark of the beast, and sell your birthright for a bowl of beans. When someone is motivated by fear, he is not a free man. Fear is a faith killer, and it will control you, YOU are the prisoner to its power.

But the guy running to something! He is truly the free man. A person who is running toward a goal, something that his heart desires above all else, this man is a force that cannot be stopped. Think about what the Apostle Paul said; " ....Forgetting those things which are behind me, I press toward the mark of the Prize..". Paul was a man who could not be stopped by the mouth of a snake, by a shippwrecked boat, or by a prison cell. He was consumed by the desire to grab hold of Jesus and everything he was. All he could think about was how much he loved God and seeing him one day, and that desire drove him all the days of his life. Even facing his head to be chopped off, all he could think about was, soon , he would get to see the one he loved with all his heart. I can picture him saying; " bring it on, your just getting me closer to my love, Jesus Christ".

What is controling you today? Is fear of what is to happen? or is it desire to see Jesus? this is the difference between a prisoner and a free man, fear or love.

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