Monday, July 6, 2009


Truth, this is a very volatile subject. It has been the reason behind wars, killings, divorces, most anything you can imagine. What is truth? Why is it so important?

The Bible records that many will fall away from being able to make it to heaven, and receiving the Anti-Christ and his mark because they had not LOVE for the truth! Not that they hated truth itself, but the love of wanting, knowing and receiving the truth they did not want. Only the pleasures and treasures the world had to offer.

Let me give you a common trait about truth. You can be in a room full of people, 2/3rd’s of these people will be agreeing together on one subject, and then there is this small minority, maybe even just one or two people, who are speaking a different tune, saying something totally different. It always seems to be the small group, the ones with the unthought-of version, the small minority that is carrying the truth.

So it was in Jeremiah the prophet’s day. Many prophets spoke to the king words that were kind and prosperous. Words that he wanted to hear. But God has always had a Jeremiah, a small lone voice, speaking the real truth. God will have in this last day a small band of believers that will not be afraid to stand against all the other voices saying something different. If you want to know what truth is, it is the story the small band of misfits and rejects that the world has deemed throw-aways that will be carrying God’s message to mankind in these last days.

Why is truth so important? It is what will guide you in these last days thru all the confusion, delusion, and chaos to slam the sides of this earth. There will be killings, deaths, famine, disease like has never been on the face of this earth before! And it will be the truths that you have placed in your heart, believed to the very end, which God has given you, that will guide you, keep you, strengthen you thru to the end, and Jesus’ return. I ask you, who are you listening too?

Are you playing it safe, listening to the multitude of voices, the big crowd, saying the peaceful, prosperous, nice words? Or will you dare to listen to the misfits, the small band of believers, warning you of the coming storm? Make your choice now. God has the door open to get on one side or the other, and which side you choose now, you WILL stay on till the end. I hope you make the right choice today.

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