Wednesday, July 8, 2009


“….. And they (the world) shall know that ye are my disciples by the LOVE ye have, one to another….” (Direct quote from Jesus Christ)

What is it that separates us from the world? What is it that sets Christians apart from other world religions, other man-made denominations and the people of the world? I am glad you asked this question. Let me tell you what the Bible says is the difference


There is a poison in the body of Christ today, one of many, that is a gospel of selfishness. We celebrate going to heaven, why? Because we are going to get something out of it. We brag about our street of gold, mansion just over the hilltop, and our own little spot of land there. I wonder how many of us would still fight, claw and scratch our way on to heaven right now, if all you were going to get was a chair and some time with Jesus? Take away all the bells and whistles heaven has to offer, ask yourself, would you still want to go? Be honest.

There is another poison preached by big time TV preachers, and many small time pastors, that says; “Give and it will be given to YOU, do this and YOU shall prosper”. It is a gospel all about me. What can I get if I pray today? What will I receive if I tithe to my local church, a blessing? What will God give me if I raise my hand and praise him while praise and worship music is going? If I help someone today, will it benefit me?

How many of us are guilty of selfish motivation? How many times do we do something nice or nothing at all because the benefit to us is what is important? Jesus told us in his word that the difference is not how many times you give words of prophecy, how many gifts of the Holy Ghost you possess, but how much unconditional, unselfish love do you show to everyone, even the people who do not deserve it!

God is looking for someone, who will begin to do this. Check your motivation today. Ask the spirit of God to check you, and show you how to walk in this love today. Remember, love is useless if it is not given, if it is not shown, if it is not put into action to someone. I promise you, if you begin to walk in this love, the presence of God almighty will begin to flood your life, more than you could ever imagine, God be praised! Show someone this love today.

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