Tuesday, July 7, 2009


The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.
(Psalm 103:8)

(excerpt from the upper room series)

I am an optimist; I assume the best of people. In fact, I see the bright side so often that I'm accused of wearing rose-colored glasses. It isn't true that looking at the world positively is a way to avoid facing reality. I am very realistic; I know evil exists. But I try to filter my view through the eyes of love.

Does this attitude set me up for pain and disappointment? Sometimes. However, I believe God looks at me through rose-colored glasses; God continually gives me the benefit of the doubt. God knows my mean thoughts, jealous tendencies, and lazy attitudes. God sees me yell at my son, lose patience at work, snap at my husband, and show indifference to the needy. In spite of my misdeeds, God looks at me with eyes of love. God is not blind to our sins but forgives us when we ask. As I view the world and its great potential, my attitude enables me to look with greater compassion. Following God's example, when hurts come I find it easier to forgive the people who hurt me.

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