Monday, July 13, 2009


This statement will turn a lot of people off. There are a lot of churches and many preachers, on TV and in your community, that preach a gospel of escapism. Simply put, there will be a lot of Christians who will not receive what I am about to say, and therefore not be ready for the coming persecution, because they have been led to believe by denominations and big time ministers that we will not be allowed to suffer the persecution of the tribulation.


Answer this one question; can you find anywhere in the Bible where God did not allow his children to go thru persecution for his name? Indeed, Jesus and quite a few apostles spoke about how you would be tried and persecuted, and how you should count it an honor by God to be given such a chance! Sure, God came in just in time when the judgment of the wicked, or before the untimely death of the child of God, was at the point of happening. Noah was delivered from the judgment upon the world (the flood), but he was never spared from the persecution of believing the word from God to build a boat on dry land to a people who had never saw rain. Even Jesus, who was spared the judgment of a sinner’s Hell, because he was not a sinner, was not spared the beatings, mocking, and persecution for aligning himself with God the Father. Have we forgotten the scriptures that tell us “the servant is not greater than his master”, meaning whatever road the master had to take, so does the servant take as well. And that servant is not a better or special person, what the master suffered so will the servant suffer.

If you study the “tribulation” period, then you will notice many things are happening. Before the return of our Lord, a few things must happen. This devotional will not allow me to cover all points, but suffice it to say this, there is a period of persecution on the saints, there are people here to endure this persecution (check your bible), and that is no reason for a rescue from God. Are you prepared for the coming persecution? There are plenty of ministers who will tell you otherwise, and give you a nice, pretty word so you won’t worry about it. So is the Devil’s job, to keep you from being concerned about your walk with God, and keep you from being prepared for what lies ahead, hoping you will fall by the wayside. Think about this; if I am wrong, what do you stand to loose? You will be getting out of here when the bad stuff happens. BUT, ARE YOU WILLING TO GAMBLE? What if I am right? What will you do then?

There are a few things you can do, if you will dare to believe what I am saying. God has shown us here at Watchmen of the Wall ministries there is hope. I want to focus on one, possibly the most important, tool you will need. Here it is: A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH JESUS CHRIST! Here is what I am talking about, not some salvation experience when you were five. I am talking about someone who has entered the very bedchamber of God, thru the Holy Ghost, and received his own Mt. Sinai experience. Someone who has stood in the very presence of God almighty, and he has communed with him, and spoken a word to him to encourage him. Maybe he gave this person a personal word, along with a scripture, and that became something no Devil, no evil spirit, no trial or trouble can ever take away. They cannot be shaken in their mind; they know they have been with God himself. And that personal word, from that experience, will carry you thru all the turmoil, chaos, and terror that are to hit the face of this earth, like a dam bursting its reservoir of water. I say this in love, only those who have had this, will be able to stand in this coming tribulation. Do you have that? Is there an experience in your life with Jesus Christ that transcends anything natural, cannot be explained? Would people call you crazy if you revealed it out loud? A supernatural experience where he spoke to you and you know you had been with the Lord? They are real my friend, don’t let today’s ministers and denominations fool you, the supernatural power of God is still real today! Get this experience with God before it is too late.

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