Wednesday, July 15, 2009


We have been warning you here at Watchmen of the Wall Ministries about the coming persecutions to hit this earth. We have been trying to get you prepared for the events, we believe, are signaling the coming end of this age. We truly believe that the imminent return of Jesus Christ is at hand.

But, if I may, I want to digress just for a moment. My thoughts this morning are filled with something else. This morning, as I write this to you, my heart is rejoicing inside. Tears flow in rejoicing at this wonderful thought that fills my heart and mind. Thanks be to Jesus Christ for what he has done. THANKS BE TO GOD ALMIGHTY FOR AN EMPTY TOMB! Thanks be to God this morning that we know there is a borrowed tomb that no longer holds its victim. I know this is not Easter, but we should not wait for an appointed holiday to rejoice in what Jesus has done for us.

You see, more than even the Cross, where he gave his life for the wages of sin, if he had stayed dead from the Cross, we would be in very deep trouble. To me the empty tomb is just as important, maybe more, than the Cross. Isn’t it funny so many people wear crosses about their necks, but no one wears an empty tomb on a necklace around their necks! I celebrate the fact that he gave his life for the payment of our sin, but I celebrate even more the fact that God raised him up from death, and he rose from the land of the dead, because something special happened for us there.

God promised in the garden of Eden, when man lost it all to Satan’s trap, that he would take back what the Devil had stolen. Even though Satan had won the battle at present, God promised in the end he would win the war! And in the process, he would bruise his heel on the head of Satan, putting an even bigger bruise on his head! I want you to know, because of the empty tomb, victory is ours! Victory over sin, victory of the shackles that had us chained to Satan, victory over our own weakness, victory over depression, victory over sickness, AND VICTORY OVER ETERNAL SEPERATION FROM GOD IN HEAVEN. We can hold our heads up high, wipe the tears of defeat from our eyes, and boldy proclaim; “whom the SON sets free, is free indeed”!

He came out of that tomb with the key to unlock disease, sickness, depression, loneliness, despair, sin, and unforgiveness. And I must mention here the greatest gift to us, besides the gift of Salvation, is the wonderful gift of the power and presence of the HOLY GHOST! Without the gift of his spirit, we cannot make it thru life’s trappings, nor can we say we belong in the family. Rejoice with me today, if you are a born again, spirit filled child of God. Rejoice you have been given victory. Rejoice with me in knowing the only one left crying today, is Satan, defeated and bruised! If you don’t know this victory in your heart, you can. Reach out to him in prayer, and you will receive it.

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