Thursday, July 16, 2009


Jesus said, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
-Mark 6:50

TO me, the world is a frightening place. Law-enforcement officials claim that crime is falling, but it isn't from what I can see. It seems that just when I begin to feel safe, acts of terrorism occur again. Health and financial issues are constant worries as well, and to top it off, we in Kansas face yearly threats of tornadoes.

In Bible times, people struggled with similar problems, including natural dangers. One such struggle occurred after Jesus left his disciples to go to the hills to pray alone. The disciples began struggling to cross the sea in the middle of a storm. While they were straining to row against the wind, Jesus came to them, walking on the lake. When they cried out, thinking him a ghost, Jesus identified himself and told the disciples not to be afraid. As soon as Jesus entered the boat, the storm ended.

I need to hear these words, "Don't be afraid," in my heart all the time. I find that only the grace, love, mercy, and power of Christ can get me through times of fear. Feeling Christ's presence allows us to face life's scary moments with the assurance that we are not alone. No matter what happens, we are eternally safe with Christ who is our strength.

By Willard Stringham (Kansas, USA)

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