Tuesday, April 7, 2009


“Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.” (Psalm 34:19)

There is a thing that happens, when you decide to follow God with all your heart. From out of nowhere, troubles begin to multiply in your life. It seems as though everything that can go wrong, eventually will.
Your job goes sour, financial troubles hit, friends begin to forsake you, things at home take a turn for the worse, and the list goes on and on.

And, if it is not bad enough that friends and family begin to forsake you, the inner feelings of loneliness, depression and dryness of the spirit set in. like a whirlwind, you begin to feel like God is a million miles away, and has forsaken you, leaving you to feel like you have committed some horrid sin that he has left you over.

Let me encourage you today, God has not left you at all. These things must happen. Every prophet, apostle and follower of Christ has suffered these same afflictions. The book of Psalms is full of times when even the great king David felt forgotten and forsaken. Many times enemies surrounded him, family forsook him, and he suffered great loss. But he learned a valuable lesson. He learned how to have peace when going thru these things. He began to realize when these things happen suddenly, he could stand in faith knowing God would eventually give him deliverance.

Our scripture reference today tells us that many (this word implies multiple amounts) will be the troubles of the righteous. We will be surrounded at times with trouble on all sides. But think about this, God is closest to you in these times! It is in these times we learn more about the nature of God, and we learn about his love and faithfulness to us. If you served a God that never brought you thru any thing, never allowed you to endure something, then turned around and delivered you thru it, he wouldn’t be much of a God to you.

Dear saint, your troubles will be many as the evil day approaches, as we get ready to leave this present world. But we have a precious promise from a God who cannot lie; he will deliver us thru it. He will strengthen us in the middle of the trouble, if we will trust in him, 100 percent. Your faith unlocks the peace you need in trouble times. Go to him in prayer, tell him how you feel. Then walk away believing he will answer, and deliver you. He is a wonderful God, and he cares for you!

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