Thursday, April 9, 2009


“Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian” (Acts 26:28)

God is a God of two paths. He always sets before a believer, and a non-believer, two choices. In the Garden of Eden, he gave Adam and Eve the choice between two trees.
Moses, under the spirit of God, stood on a rock and proclaimed “Who is on the Lord’s side, let him come to me” (Exodus 32:26). And in our passage of scripture today, we see the Apostle Paul, also under the Spirit of God, causing King Agrippa to make a decision between two paths.

It is the way of our Lord to set before us two paths, blessing and cursing, life and death, and it becomes our responsibility to choose. I believe this has happened to the body of Christ many times thru the ages. And based on our past decisions, the state of the Church became what it was then. But, I feel we are once again coming to a valley of decision. I sense the spirit beckoning “How long halt (stand still) between two opinions”. It is coming down to the end of the world as we know it!

Jesus Christ, in his mercy and grace, has begun to call those who truly love him, to a deeper, closer walk with him. They no longer, thru many trials and afflictions, have the desire to stay here in this world like they once had. They are becoming “homesick” to be with Jesus. They are being drawn to a prayer closest, to his word, and they feel this insatiable hunger for more of Jesus. God is doing this to prepare a people to stand in this evil day approaching. YOU WILL NOT STAND in this evil ending of the world without a storehouse of Jesus Christ in your soul! NO WAY!

But, these people chose to draw to Jesus, and to his word. They made a conscious decision to say, I choose life! There is no life, no joy, without being plugged in the Jesus Christ and his spirit. But I see many to day, in the valley of decision, looking at Christ and looking at the world, and they can’t make a choice! Many of these are Christians! Dear saint, make a choice today, follow Jesus all the way. Follow him to the fiery furnace, follow him to the lion’s den, and follow him to the Red Sea. Make a choice today, like Job, and say; “though yet he slay me, I shall continue to serve him”. I promise you, nothing will compare with the joy you will have in your soul, and for an eternity of time. Choose life, choose Jesus now!

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