Friday, April 10, 2009


“For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.” (2nd Corinthians 1:20)

Early this morning, looking into the sky, I could see the sun coming up on one side, and a very nasty thunderstorm rolling in from the west. What struck my attention was in between these two giants was situated a beautiful rainbow. One of the most colorful ones I have ever seen, standing there like a sentinel between these two opposing forces in the sky.

This sight reminded me of why God put it there from the beginning. After the great flood, and wrath that was poured out on this earth, only Noah and his family were left on this earth, with the animals he had preserved. As he stood there praising God for his deliverance, the Lord promised to never again destroy the earth with a flood of water. And his sign, between man and himself, which his promise would stand sure through the ages, was a rainbow.

That promise still stands, after thousands of years of time have went by, God still reminds himself and us of his promise that will not fail. This should have you on shouting ground if you are born again, and living for the Lord. If a promise, made in the Old Testament, still stands solid as a rock today, how much better promises we have now, built on a much better covenant than Noah could ever imagine.

Jesus Christ died and was risen again, to build a covenant that would stand through eternity, Built on promises that will not fail, ever. Our scripture reference today tells it all. God is a god that will not fail; he is not a man that he should lie, and will not make a promise that he will not keep. You can stake your life on that book called the B-I-B-L-E!

Rest in his promises, read his word and learn of his great and precious promises to us. You will not have perfect peace and joy in life until you grab hold of these promises for you.

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