Friday, April 3, 2009


And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (2 Timothy 4:18)

Our devotions lately have been centered on the enemy of our soul, Satan. And our goal has been to make you aware of the war going on for you and your family, and also to not be ignorant of his devices. But I want to interject praise to God this morning for a special promise given to us in this battle.

Recently, my son was involved in a car accident. When the phone call first came telling me what happened, my first reaction was one of panic. Was he ok? Was he hurt badly? As I rushed to the hospital my mind was flooded with such thoughts. But suddenly my thoughts changed, I believe by the Holy Spirit, to thinking of being in the protective hand of God. I began to realize an important truth; even with understanding Satan’s devices, even being aware of a war going on; it would be of no use without having the protective hand of God in your life!

Being born again in the kingdom of God not only prepares our soul for the eternity of heaven, but his presence surrounds us and protects us on our journey there. Think about this; I wonder how many times God has protected you when you didn’t even know it! It would stagger the mind to know when he has protected you from a murder, a car wreck, any situation that would have killed you without the protection of his presence. Sunday morning, you should worship God openly for this precious gift.

I believe as the end draws near, and as trouble and persecution rise to a level never seen on this earth before, if we are not staying in his protective presence, we will not be able to stand. There will be no option. What is coming the bible says will deceive the very elect (his children) if it were possible. Without staying in his presence, we will not make it.

Beloved, I plead with you today, make sure you are in god’s presence and protected by his power. The scripture today gives us great faith and a promise from God he will deliver us thru the evil Satan is unleashing these days. God doesn’t promise us he will never let us go thru trouble, but he does promise to be with us and deliver us from every evil work. He will be with us and help us, if we are living in him.

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