Thursday, April 2, 2009

"Loose Lips Sink Ships" - Turning your words into Weapons

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. - Proverbs 18:21

In the previous devotional entitled "There's a Devil Loose", our goal was to make sure our readers understand that we are at war and not to "underestimate" the enemy, namely Satan. Indeed, Satan is a more powerful being than we are as individuals. Without the Power of God, we are no match for him. However, it is also our desire to insure you do not "overestimate" Satan as well.

Satan has no real power(i.e. the power to create, restore, and transform). In fact, in Matthew 28:18, Jesus stated, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth"; so that leaves none for the devil. The only power Satan has is the power to imitate and deceive; and, the only weapons Satan can use against you are the ones YOU give him.

There is a popular yet incorrect belief that Satan can read your mind. This is an absolute LIE! Satan CAN NOT read your mind. However, what Satan can and does do is listen very well. When we speak words of doubt, fear, and unbelief, Satan uses these very words against us. Many believers are tempted or tested beyond thier ability to resist simply because they go about speaking and stating the very things they fear the most - what they dread might happen, worries, weaknesses, etc. If you are one to go about speaking negative, fearful things that could cause your faith to fail; you are equiping the enemy with the very weapons he needs and will use to bring this to pass.

Matthew 10:16 states, "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." Beloved, you must understand that although Satan has been rendered powerless by the death and ressurection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, he still has the ability to take our words and use them for his benefit. You must learn to speak FAITH! This is one of the devices that we cannot be ignorant of if we are to wage a successful war against the Devil and make it home to Heaven.

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