Saturday, April 4, 2009


But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

We are living in perilous times. Many things are happening on the global stage that is very frightening to someone with no understanding. But I want to focus off the world scene to the personal. Many trials and troubles are falling upon us in our own personal lives. Jesus said all these things must happen, but the end is not yet. I believe there is a key we can use, against what Satan will throw at us in these last days.

The bible says that men’s hearts will fail them for fear (Luke 21:26). I see Satan throwing one of his greatest weapons, fear. This tool is already at work when you look at the news and see many committing suicide over the economic situation. Fear causes unbelief, and when unbelief has set in, we cannot receive anything from God. I think when we as Christians fear and are afraid, we are basically saying to God, “I don’t think you are big and strong enough to help me in this problem”. It is no wonder God hates unbelief and fear, it slaps him in the face with, “you’re not big enough” and “you don’t have enough power”. Are you guilty of this?

Here is the key; we don’t need another new revelation or dream, we need a deeper understanding of who Jesus is! If we could see and fully understand just how big and powerful God is, we would not worry about if we are going to die in the wilderness! We don’t fear what the doctor’s prognosis is. We won’t worry where our next meal is coming from if we have no money, for we understand just how big and powerful He is! Paul never got over the Damascus road. When he gained an understanding of who Jesus was that day, it drove him to witness and preach the rest of his life. When Isaiah saw his vision of the Lord, and his robe filling the temple, his life and ministry was forever changed.

Beloved, I encourage you today to seek the face of God. Ask him for a deeper understanding and greater revelation of Jesus Christ. And I promise you, all your fear and unbelief will melt away at the understanding of just how powerful he is. He holds all things in his hands. All power in heaven and earth are at his disposal. By his word the universe was created, and held in position. He has one foot on Satan’s neck and the other holding up the keys to death and hell and says “you can live in joy and peace by my power!” Grab a hold of this understanding today, and be forever changed from a crippled mind of fear!

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